
A TODO List application in the spirit of TODO MVC illustrating the basics of Sling based application development.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sling TODO

A TODO List application in the spirit of TODO MVC illustrating the basics of Sling based development. Each variant branch demonstrates a different way of building a TODO application using the mechanisms exposed by Apache Sling. Which model is "right" is very dependent on your situation or technical requirements.
As such this collection makes no effort to point at on single way of doing things but instead illustrates
the flexibility provided by Sling.


Prior to installing, select a variant branch, do not attempt to build the master branch. The following instructions are applicable to all variants unless superseded by the variant's README.

mvn -P autoInstallBundle clean install

Local Environment Setup

The following instructions are applicable to all variants unless superseded by the variant's README.

  • Retrieve the latest Standalone Application jar from https://sling.apache.org/downloads.cgi (note, this project was last tested using org.apache.sling.launchpad-8-standalone.jar)
  • Run the jar
    • Once run try accessing localhost:8080 - a Sling welcome page should come up
  • Visit the Sling Explorer at http://localhost:8080/.explorer.html
  • Login using username admin password admin
  • Create a new node named todo under the apps directory with a jcr:primaryType of nt:folder
  • Create a new node named install under the apps/todo directory created in the prior step with a jcr:primaryType of nt:folder
  • Run the build command above
    • After a successful build the application should be accessible under localhost:8080/content/todo.html
    • Login using username admin password admin



The Pure JSP branch demonstrates a ToDo application written using nothing other than jsps, the page context properties exposed by Sling, and the jsp tags contained in Sling.

While this branch does not follow particularly good development practices it is a very concrete demonstration of the relationship between resource types and rendering / behavior in Sling.


In this variant logic which lived largely in JSP scriptlets in the variant/pureJsp branch is moved into backing Classes and Servlets.


This branch follows the same model as variant/backingBeansAndServlets but replaces jsp with HTL and standard Java beans with Sling Models.


Much of the logic contained in the backing Classes and Servlets in the variant/backingBeansAndServlets branch is moved into domain objects to which Resources may be adapted. These objects provide a domain specific API abstraction over the raw Resource objects.


This branch reworks the ToDo application changing it from an application relying on classic POSTs and page turns into a Single Page Application leveraging the Angular framework.


This branch presents another take on the Angular Application variant making use of the OOB Sling POST servlet in lieu of custom servlets and models.

Misc Debugging

Running in Debug Mode

java -Xmx384M -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=30303,server=y,suspend=n -jar org.apache.sling.launchpad-7-standalone.jar

/var/discovery Errors

If you are seeing errors in the error log indicating that /var/discovery can not be created, log into the explorer at http://localhost:8080/.explorer.html and create the resource discovery under the var resource with a jcr:primaryType of sling:folder.


We are always looking for new variants or updates to existing variants. The fork and pull model is used to accept updates. Each variant branch evolves independently so if you are making an update to a particular variant submit your pull request to that branch. If you are submitting a new variant, submit a pull request to a new branch following the naming convention variant/[variantName] where variantName is a verbose name for your variant. Once accepted we will update the readme in the master branch with variant details.