
Error with new game base update 0.218.21 (n-31)

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I isolated this error until I ran the game with only ServerCharacters mod, so unfortunately the mod is causing the characters move on their own without having any control on them.

This is what I see in BepInEx, basically 2 errors overall:

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim (01/07/2024 15:09:49)
[Message:   BepInEx] User is running BepInExPack Valheim version 5.4.2202 from Thunderstore
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2022.3.17.5228416
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 patcher plugin loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 2 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Server Characters 1.4.12]
[Warning:  HarmonyX] AccessTools.DeclaredMethod: Could not find method for type Valkyrie and name ShowText and parameters
[Error  : Unity Log] ArgumentException: Undefined target method for patch method static bool 
ServerCharacters.ClientSide+DisableIntro::Prefix(Valkyrie __instance)
Stack trace:
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.PatchWithAttributes (System.Reflection.MethodBase& lastOriginal) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
Rethrow as HarmonyException: Patching exception in method null
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__11_0 (System.Type type) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) (at <474744d65d8e460fa08cd5fd82b5d65f>:0)
ServerCharacters.ServerCharacters.Awake () (at <2bf8fd71e36d4d90a377b78b4bf0a7e5>:0)

[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Display BepInEx Info In-Game 2.0.2]
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege Multiplayer is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege UserGeneratedContent is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] Privilege CrossPlay is not known on this platform. Privilege therefore is granted without check...
[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:50: Set background loading budget to Low

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:51: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:51: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:51: Starting to load scene:start.unity (169d7618616154c03be07e9ad3af5893)

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:51: Set background loading budget to Normal

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:25:55: Set background loading budget to High

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:20: Set background loading budget to Low

[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Missing audio clip in music respawn

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Using environment steamid 892970

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Using steam APPID:892970

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 892970
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561198059190179 [API loaded no]
[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Steam initialized, persona:Turbero

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: PlayFab custom ID set to "Steam_76561198059190179"

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Using default prefs

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Valheim version: 0.218.21 (network version 31)

[Info   : Unity Log] Trying to set graphic mode to 'Custom'
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' is not or no longer supported. Fallback to default mode for platform...
[Info   : Unity Log] Graphic mode 'Custom' applied!
[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Worldgenerator version setup:2

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Render threading mode:MultiThreaded

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Set button "CamZoomIn" to None!

[Warning: Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Set button "CamZoomOut" to None!

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: Checking for installed DLCs

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:21: DLC:beta installed:False

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #2 - 'heightmap_message' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #3 - 'localization_hildir' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #4 - 'localization_emotes' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #5 - 'localization_ashlands' language: 'English'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'Spanish'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'Spanish'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #2 - 'heightmap_message' language: 'Spanish'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #3 - 'localization_hildir' language: 'Spanish'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #4 - 'localization_emotes' language: 'Spanish'

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:22: Loaded localization file #5 - 'localization_ashlands' language: 'Spanish'
[Error  : Unity Log] MissingFieldException: Field not found: UnityEngine.GameObject .Player.m_valkyrie Due to: Could not find field in class
Stack trace:
(wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMD<Player::Awake>(Player)
UnityEngine.Object:Instantiate(GameObject, Vector3, Quaternion)

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:23: Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:23: Starting music menu

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:23: PlayFab logged in as "Steam_76561198059190179"

[Info   : Unity Log] 08/27/2024 13:26:23: PlayFab local entity ID is 74157C99EE6EDF57

I'm also experiencing this. Upon loading, I cannot move and there is the sneak icon in the centre of the screen.

If it is of any help, I found a 2 year old reddit thread that describes the same error. The author of the mod that was causing the bug in that thread will probably know the solution.

The thread...

I'll put in my 2 pennies as I'm getting the same errors and issues.