- 8
Server Restart / boot players breaks save files
#80 opened by joldham23 - 2
Error with new game base update 0.218.21 (n-31)
#79 opened by Turbero - 0
- 0
- 1
It doesn't work (for me?)
#76 opened by padakoys - 3
Characters are not being saved in the server
#75 opened by Arthistic04 - 4
Cant Connect to Server
#67 opened by mdrain18 - 1
- 1
- 3
- 0
- 1
Not generating config file
#71 opened by Talfereg - 3
Unable to connect, get sent to main menu
#70 opened by itsdinkd - 0
- 1
character data not saved to server
#68 opened by Rummyster - 1
Request: Valheim Legends compatibility
#66 opened by TwentyOneZ - 2
no config files or character folders
#65 opened by Talfereg - 1
Not working? Permissions?
#52 opened by gitgit2019 - 2
Characters are not saved
#55 opened by UnlimitedProgres - 2
Characters not saving - have info to help
#62 opened by Scipio71 - 5
No save created when first joining
#56 opened by mLgz0rn - 1
[Exception] at ServerCharacters.ServerSide+PatchZNetOnNewConnection.VerifySignature
#46 opened by gdragon-git - 0
- 2
Please Create New Character message
#44 opened by ValhallaCommunity - 1
Maintenance Mode:- Error Saving World! Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
#53 opened by MacTwistie - 8
dedicated server +crossplay issue
#36 opened by helix22 - 0
- 2
"Failed to connect"
#39 opened by itsdinkd - 1
- 0
Hardcore + Single Character modes working at half
#64 opened by okeanz - 2
Conflict with Valheim Plus
#63 opened by Blackmadman - 0
Needs update for patch 0,217.22
#61 opened by Scipio71 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 6
- 1
Valheim Plus and ServerCharacters
#50 opened by LemonyLamps - 1
- 0
Conflict with MonstreLabZ
#48 opened by Hypertoken - 0
- 2
Mod causes client lockups
#42 opened by Tchilly - 1
Server vs Single player issue deleting items
#41 opened by pitchblac23 - 0
Stuff other than inventory aren't saved on improper client disconnection (+ questions)
#40 opened by Alex134831 - 2
- 1
- 0
[Request] Allow name and appearance changes
#35 opened by KairuByte - 2
- 1
- 1
The server will not create a role archive
#32 opened by yuansox