
Server Restart / boot players breaks save files

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I've been using this mod for a couple of years now, so thank you for it. We've been running into a problem where, if a player isn't logged out by the time we do a server restart and gets booted, their character game save breaks and they're prompted to start a new character. We haven't been able to recover any characters that this has happened to. Once it happens, they just won't be able to use that character and either start over, or stop playing out of frustration. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!

Same issue

No way to help without log files.

My best guess without any logs would be that you are using no map printer.

where do i find log files ?
and what mods qualify as a map printer ?

BepInEx/LogOutput.log is the log file.
And the name of the mod is NoMapPrinter and is known for breaking save files.

You are using crossplay with mods that do not support crossplay. Disable crossplay to fix your issue.

Same issue is occuring, i disabled earlier Almanac and Odin training place should i try reactivating them ?