Asynchronous and Distributed Expectation-Maximization Algorithm

Primary LanguageR

  • Organization

    • There are two directories, each correspond to a subsection in the experiments section of the paper: mixef (linear mixed effects modeling) and ml (MovieLens data).
    • Each directory has four sub directories: code, data, qsub, and result.
    • Directory 'code' has files of all the R source code that was used in the analysis.
    • Directory 'data' has (if any) simulated/real data that was used in the analysis. This directory may be empty or absent.
    • Directory 'qsub' has SGE files (.q) that were used to submit jobs on a SGE cluster.
    • Directory 'result' has a sub directory 'img' and stores the result (if any) produced in the analysis. This directory may be empty or absent.
  • Files

    • 'simulate_data.R' contains the code to simulate the data in linear mixed-effects modeling.
    • 'partition_data.R' contains the code to partition the data into smaller subsets that are stored across workers.
    • 'dem_estep_sync.R' contains code for performing the E step of DEM on the K workers in parallel.
    • 'dem_mstep_sync.R' contains code for performing the M step of DEM on the managers once they have received results from \gamma-fraction of the workers.
    • '(mixef|ml)_dem_mpi.R' contains code for fitting linear mixed-effects model using DEM and MPI in simulations and real data analysis.
    • '(mixef|ml)_iem_mpi.R' contains code for fitting linear mixed-effects model using IEM and MPI in simulations and real data analysis.
    • 'analyze_result.R' contains the code for analyzing the results of DEM and competing methods and making plots/tables.
    • 'lmer.R' contains the code for fitting linear mixed-effects using lme4 R package.
    • 'vandyk00.R' contains the code for fitting linear mixed-effects using ECME0 algorithm of van Dyk (2000).
    • '(mixef|ml)_submit_dem.R' contains the code for the R code for submitting a job on the cluster. The files in 'qsub' directory use this file for running simulations.
  • Citation If you use the code, then please cite the following two papers:

    • Van Dyk, D. A. (2000). Fitting mixed-effects models using efficient EM-type algorithms. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 9(1), 78-98.
    • Srivastava, S., DePalma, G.R. and Liu, C. (2018). An Asynchronous Distributed Expectation-Maximization Algorithm For Massive Data: The DEM Algorithm. Revision submitted to JCGS.
  • Contact Please email Sanvesh Srivastava (sanvesh-srivastava@uiowa.edu) if you have any questions related to the code.

  • Acknowledgment

    • Some code for linear mixed effects modeling has been borrowed from Patrick O. Perry (http://ptrckprry.com/code/).
    • Please email us if you think that we have missed citations to your paper/work.