
Notification aggregator enabling people to ditch the annoying mail notifications.

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A notification aggregator.

Notipie CI

Quick links


You will need:

  • go version 1.19 or higher,
  • make,
  • yarn with node.js version lts/gallium = v16.

Quick start

Just run make from the project root. All dependencies for all modules should automatically download, and example configs should be copied to core and ui.

Read the output of this command, it will inform you about your nvm and Go installation.

To quickly run the application for development, execute make -j2 dev.

Recommended environment setup


For Linux, use a package manager to download Go 1.19 or higher, e.g., sudo apt install golang-go, or sudo pacman -S go, depending on your distro.

For macOS, install Go with Homebrew.

For Windows, you can use Scoop, or Chocolatey.

Alternatively, download it from go.dev and install manually.


For Linux and macOS, install nvm for POSIX.

For Windows, install nvm for Windows.

Setup Node.js with nvm

Simply run nvm install and nvm use from the project root. It will automatically install the latest lts/gallium.

You can also install the latest v16 manually, downloading it from this repository.

Project components

  • core -- backend
  • ui -- frontend

{} and <> with ❤️ by Blazej Sewera ┃ wwwghgh:pv