A Kotlin framework for Node.js applications
- Clean and well-typed API
- Full MVC support
- Powered by popular node modules (express, sequelize, …)
- async/await language support
- Mustache template engine
- Built-in React support
- Scalable complexity including stackable applications
import pappel.Router
class Router : Router() {
* Initialize routes
init {
* Render Hello World on /
get("/") {
_, response ->
response.send("Hello world")
* Render JSON output on /json
get("/json") {
_, response ->
arrayOf(1, 2, "test", mapOf("foo" to "bar")) as Array<Any?>
* Render view using parameters on /view
get("/view") {
request, response ->
response.render("view", mapOf("path" to request.path) as Map<String, Any>)
* Handle request parameter
get("/param/:id") {
request, response ->
response.send("Parameter id was ${request.parameters!!["id"]}")
async {
await { db.connect() }
await { model.user.sync(true) }
val user = model.user.new()
user1.username = "demo"
await { model.user.save(user) }
<p>Request on path {{path}}</p>
class CounterComponent : Component<Component.Props, CounterComponent.State>() {
init {
state = State(counter = 0)
override fun ReactDOMBuilder.render() {
div("counter") {
p {
+"Counter: ${state.counter}"
button {
onClickFunction = {
setState {
counter = state.counter + 1
companion object : ReactComponentSpec<CounterComponent, Component.Props, CounterComponent.State>
class State(var counter: Int = 0) : Component.State()
Pappel framework is still under development and not yet ready to use as many features are still missing and the API may significantly change in the future.
If you're interested in updates or would like to support Pappel framework in any way, do not hesitate to get in touch.