Android widget allowing user to select one item from set of them by swiping left and right.
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- 0
somehow get such crash report
#72 opened by barkatme - 0
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- 0
onChange method
#69 opened by hirani89 - 0
Hide weekends
#68 opened by Naturaldai - 0
Set allowBackup to false?
#67 opened by TiagoDic - 1
How to remove paddings from both sides? Or just put the element starting from the beginning, instead of mid.
#66 opened by Pawnr - 1
How to remove paddings from both sides? Or just put the element starting from the beginning, insterad of mid.
#58 opened by WanftMoon - 5
- 1
How to include custom layout design
#64 opened by mkamals1989 - 3
- 2
Callbacks must add text or a content description in populateNodeForVirtualViewId()
#63 opened by darylsze - 0
How reduce the space between items ?
#49 opened by martincornu - 8
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Rendering Problems Missing styles. Is the correct theme chosen for this layout?
#48 opened by kim-montano - 0
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Selected item text color
#56 opened by reginatojames - 1
text is being cropped for numeric text
#53 opened by 1abid - 0
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private methods and variables
#52 opened by artkoenig - 0
Error during project build
#50 opened by vbauer - 0
Support multi line text
#47 opened by murthyanitaa - 2
Crashes on overscroll
#46 opened by borjaruiz - 0
get values from HorizontalPicker
#45 opened by meeftah - 3
Items are not visible
#44 opened by vishalgupta1987 - 10
endless scroll
#20 opened by vimaljoym - 1
Swipe directly leads on next or previous item
#43 opened by JeffIden - 1
Text Typeface
#42 opened by borjaruiz - 6
- 3
how show two lines value
#32 opened by AhmadVatani - 0
- 1
How set style of text color in selector?
#21 opened by TymofiiKriuchkov - 1
Not working if put up in a Scroll View.
#33 opened by princebansal - 1
how set style for selected item
#31 opened by AhmadVatani - 3
No resource identifier found for attribute
#25 opened by hee4245 - 1
No divider shows up
#35 opened by MattS8 - 1
Change color of selected item
#36 opened by zunjae - 4
No resource identifier found for attribute 'dividerSize' in package 'com.wefika.horizontalpicker'
#23 opened by Pavithrajas - 2
Errore java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from null array & Rendering Problems
#28 opened by mpaloulack - 1
#22 opened by ialmetwally - 0
- 1
Conflicts with scrollview
#30 opened by qiyuanchen - 2
Round item
#24 opened by bebethor - 2
how increase number of items
#26 opened by indrajeet17