
A module for the MagicMirror to display informations about your rooms climate from your Netatmo system.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status api License


A module to integrale informations from a Netatmo weather station into the MagicMirror.

MMM-Netatmo full display



  • requires MagicMirror v2.0.0
  • a Netatmo weather station at home or at least access to a Netatmo weather station account

To use this module, clone this repository to your modules folder of your MagicMirror:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

git clone https://github.com/RaymondMolenaar/MMM-Netatmo.git MMM-Netatmo

Now just add the module to your config.js file (config entries).

Access Your Data

To be able to access your data, you need to have an Netatmo Application and grant this application access to your data.

Register an App

Your can register a new app here. Afterwards you will get an APP_ID and an APP_SECRET which you will need to enter in the config entries.

Grant Access to Your Data

To allow the app to access your data, you need to send a POST request to the auth server and register the app.


One option is to use the command line tool cURL.

curl --data "grant_type=password&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET&username=YOUR_NETATMO_USERNAME&password=YOUR_NETATMO_PASSWORD&scope=read_station" "https://api.netatmo.com/oauth2/token"

The POST request will return the following data:


The REFRESH_TOKEN will be needed in the config entries.


The module needs the default configuration block in your config.js to work.

	module: 'MMM-Netatmo',
	position: 'bottom_left', // the location where the module should be displayed
	header: 'Netatmo',
	config: {
		clientId: '', // your app id
		clientSecret: '', // your app secret
		refreshToken: '', // your generated refresh token
		location: "germany/berlin",  //for AirQuality
		updateIntervalAirQuality: 600, // in secondes = every 30 minutes
		updatesIntervalDisplay: 60, //refresh internal
		lastMessageThreshold: 600, // in seconds (10 minutes)
		horizontal: false,
		horizontalOverflow: false,
		windUnit: "KT", // Possible "KMH", "MPH", "MS", "BFT", "KT"
		displayWindInOutdoor: false,
		displayRainInOutdoor: false,
		showLastMessage: true,
		showDataIcon: true,
		showDataHeader: true,
		showModuleStatus: true,
		showModuleFirmware: true,
		refreshInterval: 3,
		moduleOrder: ["Indoor", "wind", "Kitchen", "Garden", "Rain" ],

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
clientId The ID of your Netatmo application.

This value is REQUIRED
clientSecret The app secret of your Netatmo application.

This value is REQUIRED
refreshToken The generated refresh token you got from the POST request to the auth api.

This value is REQUIRED
updatesIntervalDisplay How often to check if netatmo datas needs to be updated? (Minutes) No Netatmo server request with this value. Netatmo request minimum every 11 min.
Data is updated by netatmo every 10 minutes.

Default value: 1
moduleOrder The rendering order of your weather modules, ommit a module to hide the output.

Example: ["Kitchen","Kid's Bedroom","Garage","Garden"]
Be aware that you need to use the module names that you set in the netatmo configuration.
location For AirQuality display. Use the part behind http://aqicn.org/city/ for your location. For example http://aqicn.org/city/netherland/utrecht/griftpark/

Example: 'germany/berlin'
updateIntervalAirQuality Value in secondes. If last request to AirQuality server is bigger that this value, a new request to made. AirQuality serveur update is approx every hour.

Example: 600
horizontal When true, Modules will be displayed horizontal (in a row). But only as wide as the MMM-Module has space. If it needs more space, the Netatmo-Modules will be added to the next row.
horizontalOverflow When true, all the Netatmo-Modules will stay in one row, and will overflow the module space when it needs more space.
units Default config.units, bus can be overriden here. Possible values are metric or imperial
windUnit Unit to be used for windspeed. Default is "KMH" (km/h). Possible is "KMH" (km/h), "MPH" (mph), "MS (m/s)", "BFT (Bft)" and "KT (kt)"
displayWindInOutdoor When true, Wind-Module won't be shown, but the data will be added to the OutdoorModule
displayRainInOutdoor When true, Rain-Module won't be shown, but the data will be added to the OutdoorModule
showLastMessage When true, will show if contact with module has been lost
showDataIcon Show Icons with the module data, default true
showDataHeader Show Header-title with the module data, default true
showModuleStatus Show status of module like radio-signal or battery-status
showModuleFirmware Show firmwarestatus of module in modulestatus

About this Fork

Initially I forked the original repository https://github.com/CFenner/MMM-Netatmo.git, and did some changes to it (like still being able to show all modules, even they not all were in reach). Then however I found out that AgP42, haywirecoder and QBseventy did an amazing job, and wanted to use that version. Since it is not possible to double fork or something, I put my original fork in a release https://github.com/RaymondMolenaar/MMM-Netatmo/tree/master/Releases/CFenner-Fork

The most important change of this fork, is that even when not all of your Netatmo Modules are in reach (due to empty batteries or whatever), this MM-Module will still display your module, but with empty values. It doesn't hang on the loading circle.

I also redesigned the way de data is displayed. The Icons don't change color depending on the status, but the little dot's do, similar to the Android-App. The Wind-speed unit can be configured in the config. If your system is set to Imperial units, it will show Temp in Fahrenheit and Rain in Inches/Hour.

In the MM-config:

var config = {
	units: "metric", // "imperial" for Fahrenheit

or in MMM-config

	module: 'MMM-Netatmo',
	position: 'bottom_left', // the location where the module should be displayed
	header: 'Netatmo',
	config: {
		units: "metric", // "imperial" for Fahrenheit

Update 22-03-2020: Added Horizantal (row) View

Some Screenprints

MMM-Netatmo full display MMM-Netatmo No DataHeader MMM-Netatmo No DataIcon MMM-Netatmo No DataIconHeader MMM-Netatmo No Status MMM-Netatmo Rain and Wind in Outdoor MMM-Netatmo Wind in Knots MMM-Netatmo Horizontal MMM-Netatmo Horizontal No Overflow MMM-Netatmo Horizontal Overflow