
A full-stack rust implementation of Connect-4 and TOOT-and-OTTO

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Board Games

A full-stack rust implementation of Connect-4 and TOOT-and-OTTO.

Client Side Installation

  1. Navigate to the client/ directory.
cd client/
  1. Install Trunk, a WASM web application bundler for Rust. This may take a couple minutes.
cargo install trunk wasm-bindgen-cli
  1. Run the application. This should automatically spawn a web browser. If this is not the case, open up a browser and navigate to localhost:<PORT> or<PORT>.
trunk serve # port 8080
# or specify the port number
trunk serve --port 3000

Server Side Installation

  1. Navigate to server/ directory
cd server/
  1. Switch to Rust Nightly
rustup update
cargo update
rustup override set nightly
  1. Setup the MongoDB server
  1. In a new terminal, open the mongo shell
  1. In the mongo shell, Initialize the users and scores collections with index for username on both of them
use 421ServerDB
db.users.createIndex({"username": 1}, {unique: true})
db.scores.createIndex({"username": 1}, {unique: true})
  1. Exit the mongo shell
  1. Run the Rust Rocket project
cargo run

Server Side API Routes

GET /scores/{username}

Returns the game scores of a user

POST /login

Login Request

JSON Request Format

	"username": "username",
	"password": "password"

POST /new_user

Sign up Request

JSON Request Format

	"username": "username",
	"password": "password"

POST /update_score

Update game stats

JSON Request Format

	"username": "username",
	"game": 0, // Connect 4: 0, TootnOtto: 1
	"win": 0	// loss: 0, win: 1, tie: 2

GET /scores/<username>

Gets game stats

JSON Request Return Format

	"username": "username",
	"xo_wins": 0, // connect 4 wins
	"xo_loss": 0,	// connect 4 losses
	"xo_ties": 0,	// connect 4 ties
	"to_wins": 0,	// tootnotto wins
	"to_loss": 0, // tootnotto losses
	"to_ties": 0	// tootnotto ties