
After a user places n-rooks on a chess board, place the remaining pieces such that no rooks threaten each other

Primary LanguageTypeScript

N-Rooks Problem

Let’s say we have a chessboard, which has the typical 8 x 8 square tiles. The rook is a chess piece that can move horizontally and vertically across the entire board. Write a program that will take a board with N number of rooks already placed, and for the program to place more rooks with the following rules.

  • Rooks must be placed in such a way that they don’t collide with each other.
  • The program should take input for a starting board configuration with N rooks placed. (The starting set always conforms to the previous rule.)
  • We would expect 8 total rooks (including the starting set) can always be placed without violating the rule.

Project Overview

The goal of this section is simply to briefly explain the purpose of each source code file

  1. index.ts: This file serves as the execution entry point. This file is responsible for getting input, sending that input to solveBoard() in rooks.ts, and then displaying the results.
  2. rook.ts: This file contains the algorithmic portion of the project. Is contains a single exported function solveBoard() which takes the users board as input and finds a possible way to place the remaining rooks on the board.
  3. util.ts: This file contains some useful types, constants and helper functions that are used throughout the application.
  4. rook.test.ts: This file provides a test suite for the solveBoard() function in rooks.ts
  5. util.test.ts: This file provides a test suite for the validateInput() and validateBoard() function in util.ts


Generated documentation for the project is currently hosted at https://nrooks-docs.brockchelle.com

Installation Instructions

The following technologies will be required to run this program.

  • Node
  • Yarn/NPM
  • Git

If you are certain that you have all the required installations, you may skip to step 4.

  1. Execute the following command to ensure that NodeJS is installed on your machine. If it is, you will receive an output containing the version of Node on your machine.
node -v
# v14.16.0
  1. Execute the following command to ensure that either NPM or Yarn is installed on your machine. If it is, you will receive an output containing the version of NPM/Yarn on your machine.
npm -v # 6.4.11
# or
yarn -v # 1.22.10
  1. Execute the following to ensure that Git is installed on your machine. If it is, you will receive an output containing the version of Git on your machine.
git --version
# git version 2.25.1
  1. Clone the repository to your local machine and navigate into the n-rooks directory
git clone https://github.com/blchelle/n-rooks && cd n-rooks/
  1. Install all of the project dependencies
npm install
# or
yarn install

Execution Instructions

  1. Ensure that you have completed all the steps in Installation Instructions

  2. Run the script by executing either of the following commands

npm run start
# or
yarn start
  1. Once the script starts running, you will be shown the chessboard layout and then prompted to enter the locations of your rooks. Your input should be a space-separated list of cells. For example:
? Enter your initial rook placement: A1 B2 C3 D4
  1. After you enter your input, you are first be shown the board after the script places your rooks. Once it finds locations for the remaining pieces, it will show you the solved configuration.

    Note: This solution only shows you one of many possible configurations. For an input of n valid cells, there are !(8 - n) board configurations

       Input Board
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 A | ♜ · · · · · · · |
 B | · ♜ · · · · · · |
 C | · · ♜ · · · · · |
 D | · · · ♜ · · · · |
 E | · · · · · · · · |
 F | · · · · · · · · |
 G | · · · · · · · · |
 H | · · · · · · · · |

      Solved Board
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 A | ♜ · · · · · · · |
 B | · ♜ · · · · · · |
 C | · · ♜ · · · · · |
 D | · · · ♜ · · · · |
 E | · · · · ♜ · · · |
 F | · · · · · ♜ · · |
 G | · · · · · · ♜ · |
 H | · · · · · · · ♜ |



First, you are shown an empty chessboard and you're prompted to place your rook. You place rooks in cells A1, B6, H4, D3.

     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 A | · · · · · · · · |
 B | · · · · · · · · |
 C | · · · · · · · · |
 D | · · · · · · · · |
 E | · · · · · · · · |
 F | · · · · · · · · |
 G | · · · · · · · · |
 H | · · · · · · · · |

? Enter your initial rook placement: A1 B6 H4 D3


Then, you are shown the board that you input (notice the rooks placed at A1, B6, H4, and D3). Once it is solved, you are shown the final board. Here the board found a solution by placing the remaining rooks at C2, E5, F7, G8.

       Input Board
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 A | ♜ · · · · · · · |
 B | · · · · · ♜ · · |
 C | · · · · · · · · |
 D | · · ♜ · · · · · |
 E | · · · · · · · · |
 F | · · · · · · · · |
 G | · · · · · · · · |
 H | · · · ♜ · · · · |

      Solved Board
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
 A | ♜ · · · · · · · |
 B | · · · · · ♜ · · |
 C | · ♜ · · · · · · |
 D | · · ♜ · · · · · |
 E | · · · · ♜ · · · |
 F | · · · · · · ♜ · |
 G | · · · · · · · ♜ |
 H | · · · ♜ · · · · |

Running the Test Suite

  1. Ensure that you have completed all the steps in Installation Instructions
  2. Execute the following command
npm run test
# or
yarn test