
Generic function based arithmetic, based on example of Fatemen. Includes symbolic arithmetic using Maxima as a back-end.

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT

BLD's Generic Arithmetic Library

Generic arithmetic library, following the example of Dr. Richard Fateman's "Building Algebra Systems by Overloading Lisp: Automatic Differentiation". Shadows the native arithmetic functions and re-defines them as generic functions. Methods are then defined for numeric arguments to call the CL package functions. Methods can be defined for whatever classes you wish (e.g. symbols, vectors, matrices).

To use the generic arithmetic functions in this package, you need to shadow out the native functions and import the corresponding generic functions you want to use. For example, in a symbolic algebra package you might define:

(defpackage :my-package
  (:use :common-lisp)
  (:shadowing-import-from :bld-gen
    + - * / expt
    sin cos tan
    atan asin acos
    sinh cosh tanh
    asinh acosh atanh
    log exp sqrt abs
    min max signum))

Then, you can use DEFMETHOD to overload them with the definitions you want.

Defining Methods

Three macros allow overloading arithmetic operations (generic functions). They do not need to be in the list of those included in this package, so that a custom algebra with any other function names can be defined.


Defines method on an operator that only takes a single argument, e.g. abs, sin/cos/tan, exp, signum


(defmeth1 operator ((argument type)) body)


Define absolute value over elements of a list:

(defmeth1 abs ((l list)) (mapcar #'abs l))


Defines method on an operator that takes only two arguments, e.g. expt


(defmeth2 operator ((argument type) (n integer)) body)


Defines methods for an operator that takes one or two arguments, e.g. atan and log. Also used to define methods for functions of one or any number of arguments, e.g. +, -, /, *, max, and min.


(defmeth12 operator ((argument1 type1) (argument2 type2))
    (body1)  ; Method body for one-argument method
    (body2)) ; Method body for two-argument method


Define '-' methods for vectors:

(defmeth12 - ((a vector) (b vector))
    ((map 'vector #'- a))
    ((map 'vector #'- a b)))

Symbolic Simplification with BLD-SYMBOLIC

Implementation of symbolic simplification using MAXIMA as a backend has been moved to the BLD-SYMBOLIC repository.