
R package containing data on NBER working papers

Primary LanguageR



This package contains information about NBER working papers published between June 1973 and December 2021.


nberwp is available on CRAN:


The development version can be installed from GitHub via remotes:



nberwp provides the following five tables:

  • papers: working paper attributes.
  • authors: author attributes.
  • programs: program attributes.
  • paper_authors: paper-author correspondences.
  • paper_programs: paper-program correspondences.

I construct these tables from raw metadata published here and here. I clean these metadata by fixing typos, removing non-ASCII characters, and disambiguating author names. My disambiguation approach involves cross-referencing against NBER user names, RePEc IDs, common co-authorships, common program associations, name edit distances, and information gleaned (manually) from authors' personal and academic webpages. I obtain author genders by matching against historical US baby name data and Facebook data obtained by Tang et al. (2011), and through manual identification. See Davies (2022) for more details.

See here for information about the NBER working paper catalogue. The catalogue comprises three series: historical, technical, and general. Working papers in these series have numbers prefixed by "h", "t", and "w".


Please notify me of any errors by adding an issue or submitting a pull request.
