Provides support for the JavaScript Propositional Laboratory Format (JSPL), a format developed for Ecma-/JS-Developers, to be used for discussing contentious features of proposals.
Available on the VSCode Marketplace
Based on Langium
laboratory {
title "The title of the generated laboratory"
description "This laboratory is for x"
icon "./path/to/favicon.svg or some url"
format MD
author "Philipp Riemer"
version "1.0"
concern name {
summary "a short summary"
description "a more detailed description of the concern, possibly containing html elements."
proposition name {
expression "what Expression to display"
default value True
value False {
raise someConcern when someCondition is True
value "some custom value"
disabled {
message "this is disabled, because ..." when someCondition is True and someOtherProposition is "undefined"
proposition given {
expression "this is given"
value True
condition name holds when someProposition is "value1" and someOtherCondition is False
Multiline strings (laboratory description, concern description) are by default interpreted as markdown. Because markdown is indentation-sensitive, it is important to always indent the descriptions to the level of the original node. This following example of a concern is correctly indented:
concern test {
summary "CONCERN!"
description "
# This is concerning.
**Very concerning!**
*Or is it?*
int i = 0;
return i;
The usage of markdown can be disabled in favour of direct html-interpretation on a general basis by changing the format in the Laboratory Information or on a per-description basis by prefixing a string with "HTML":
concern test {
summary "summary"
description HTML "
<p>This is my concern</p>