CITOOLS - python tools
citools is a python package designed to be installed directly from GitHub.
To install :
pip install git+
Available tools
The tools provides a number of functions to support odd cases in CI/CD that have been encountered using Conan build tools to build a separate repo.
set_github_commit_status: A wrapper for /repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:sha
Example - setting success in a python script:
import citools
citools.set_github_commit_status(secret_token, "superorg/superrepo", "a_forty_character_commit_sha", citools.State.success, "", "Just a test", "baldur/testing")
Example - setting pending from command line with a build_trigger.json. (Dummy URL)
python -c "from githubtools import set_build_status, State; set_build_status('build_trigger.json', 'CONAN_BLDRVNLW_TOKEN', '', 'bldrvnlw/test', State.pending)"
Example - setting success from command line with a build_trigger.json. (Dummy URL)
python -c "from githubtools import set_build_status, State; set_build_status('build_trigger.json', 'CONAN_BLDRVNLW_TOKEN', '', 'bldrvnlw/test', State.success)"