
Create doodle polls from the commandline

Primary LanguagePython

doodle-cli - Create doodle polls from the commandline

A scriptable way to create doodle polls.



  • python 2 >= 2.6
  • requests-oauthlib
  • everything else is in the standard library

Clone this repo and then install requests_oauthlib

pip install requests-oauthlib


  1. Register for doodle.com

  2. Get yourself a consumer key and secret from https://doodle.com/mydoodle/consumer/credentials.html

  3. Set the consumer key and secret as environment variables:

     export DOODLE_CONSUMER_KEY='whatever'
     export DOODLE_CONSUMER_SECRET='something'
  4. Create a poll

     $ create-doodle-poll -t 'My poll' -d "The teddy bears' picnic" \
       -i graham@example.com -n 'Graham' -p 'Attending' -p 'Not attending'