Angular Job Search

This Angular App will help you search for a new job with the ease of a soothing interface. **Gentle Reminder that this is fake news and the jobs are not real.

See the site in action:

Angular Job Search demo of jobs gif

Angular Job Search demo of filter gif

Angular Job Search demo of about and contact page gif

How to utilize the site:

To search through the jobs already rendered on the home page, look through each job title and click the "Full Description" button to expand for more details.

To filter for a particular role, start to type it into the "Title of Role" search bar just underneath the header. In the future, it will filter the choices to see only the ones you want to see.

This was my first challenge into learning Angular. I was told the learning curve is much higher than React and I'm currently on the fence about it. After diving into React Native, I believe Angular is on that same plane!

The technologies used in this app:

* Angular

* Angular Material


* Bootstrap


I was the sole contributor to this app.