
The pdf and LaTeX for each paper (and sometimes the code and data used to generate the figures).

Primary LanguageTeX


This repo contains papers published in the Blei Lab.

Our aim is reproducibility: when possible, the code and data used to generate the figures is included too.

This repo contains a list of folders, with one folder for each paper. Folders are labeled YYYY_LastNames/. For example, the folder 2014_GopalanCharlinBlei/ contains everything associated with the "Content-based recommendation with Poisson factorization" paper in NIPS 2014 with authors P. Gopalan, L. Charlin, and D.M. Blei.

Here is the directory structure for each paper:

  • YYYY_LastNames/README.md: a brief description and a link to any associated software
  • YYYY_LastNames/YYYY_LastNames.pdf: the paper
  • YYYY_LastNames/YYYY_LastNames.bib: bib entry to cite the paper
  • YYYY_LastNames/fig/src: Python/R scripts to make figures
  • YYYY_LastNames/fig/dat: data used in figures
  • YYYY_LastNames/fig/pdf: final figures
  • YYYY_LastNames/tex: LaTeX source files
  • YYYY_LastNames/tex/sty: any LaTeX style files used

Blei Lab internal notes: If the paper includes an open-source package, make a separate repo for the code from your account, and fork it into the Blei Lab github organization. You can make your code citable and get a DOI by following this: https://guides.github.com/activities/citable-code/