Reroot backend task level 1


Before running the project user needs to have MySql Workbench installed with appropriate relations configured, Postman for API calls.

Configuring MySql Workbench

Open MySql Workbench and on the navigator on the left-hand side switch from "Administration" to "Schemas", then right click on the blank space in the navigator and click "Create Schema". In my case, schema is called "reroot-app". Upon creating the schema, set the schema as the default schema by right clicking on it and selecting "Set as Default Schema". After that create a table in that schema by right clicking on tables inside schema and clicking "Create Table". Table should have a name that resembles what contains so I named it "tasks" as it contains tasks. Each task should have a primary key field "id" which is set as PK (primary key), NN (not null), UQ(unique) and AI(auto increment). Other fields should be "title" as VARCHAR(100), "dueDate" as DATE and "completed" as BOOLEAN or TINYINT(1).

Configuring .env file

Env file is used to store environment variables used in the project. DB_HOST=localhost ; since we use MySql Workbench locally, DB_USER=root ; name of the user in MySql Workbench, DB_NAME=reroot-app ; name of the schema in MySql Workbench and DB_PASSWORD=password ; password of the user. NODE_ENV=development and PORT=3000. These values can be set to any other values.


npm i

Run the program

Run dev version

npm run dev

Build typescript files from /src to /dist

npm run build

Run build /dist version

npm run start

App description

App uses two main routes: /api/ratios (localhost:3000/api/ratios) which returns ratios of tasks and /api/tasks (localhost:3000/api/tasks) which returns task objects.

/api/ratios GET

Query Parameters:

  completed: boolean;
  expired: boolean;
  get_productivity_ratio: boolean;

Completed - selects tasks with completed field set to same value
Expired - calculates which tasks' dueDates are in the past time
GetProductivityRatio - returns the ratio of completed tasks in their dueDate
Values of query have to be used in url and are required and have to be combined!\

Route example:


/api/tasks GET

Query Parameters:

  completed: boolean,
  sort_by_date: string (desc or asc);
  page: number (0, 1, 2..);
  filter_by_title: string

Completed - selects tasks with completed field set to same value
SortByDate - sorts tasks by their dueDates
Page - pagination of 5 tasks per page
FilterByTitle - filtering by name with LIKE %name% operator
Values of query have to be used in url query and are all required except filter_by_title, others have to be combined!\

Route example:


/api/tasks POST

Filter Parameters (body):

  title: string;
  dueDate: string (year-mm-dd);
  completed: boolean

Creates new task, all fields are required in req.body.\

Object example:

  "title": "title",
  "dueDate": "2022-05-21",
  "completed": false

/api/tasks PUT

Filter Parameters (body):

  title: string;
  dueDate: string (year-mm-dd);
  completed: boolean

Updates fields which are set in req.body to the task with the same ID as in
Requires /:id as
Atleast one field is needed in order to update the task successfully!\

Route & Object example:

  "title": "title",
  "dueDate": "2022-05-21",
  "completed": false

/api/tasks DELETE

Deletes task from table, requires /:id in\

Route example:



Mihael Ištvan