
Some resources to use once you land your first job


Some resources once you land your first job

Tips for the First 90 Days

  • Be a sponge and learn as much as possible
  • Take full advantage of the the onboarding training you receive
  • Resist the urge to give feedback or make lots of suggestions in the beginning. If you have what you think are good ideas, write them down and give it some time before you share your ideas.
  • Put in writing what you think your job expectation is and then share it back with your boss. Make sure your expectations for success are the same.
  • Connect with everyone who helped you along the way - let them know the outcome and thank them for their help. Ask if there is anything you can do for them.
  • Give back. Whether you came through a bootcamp or a 4 year university - stay connected with your place of learning. Offer to help the students that are coming behind you.

Book Recommendations:

The Coding Career Handbook by Shawn Wang