- 1
Result are truncated[BUG]
#52 opened by shivamn - 2
[BUG] Loading index from serialized JSON fails if 'position' metadata is enabled and there are multiple positions for single entry
#41 opened by Huk256 - 1
Transition to ValueTask
#43 opened by bleroy - 3
- 2
Stop words and string comparison
#37 opened by daveaglick - 2
[FEATURE] Packaging LunrCoreLmdb for NuGet
#28 opened by danielcrenna - 1
- 1
[BUG] DelegatedIndex does not serialize correctly into lunr compatible JSON
#30 opened by danielcrenna - 2
Will indexes remain immutable?
#13 opened by drittich - 4
- 0
[BUG] ambiguous JSON serialization options leave possibility for data loss
#20 opened by danielcrenna - 0
- 13
Allow to override tokenizer separator
#9 opened by xoofx - 0
Metadata needs to be serialized consistently
#7 opened by bleroy - 3
How to query position metadata?
#5 opened by xoofx - 3
Invalid characters indexed
#3 opened by xoofx - 7
Error: Out of order word insertion.
#2 opened by xoofx