Hi👋, I am Blessed!

I am a software engineer with 3+ years of experience tasked with demystifying the amazing world of performant systems by designing and building high-quality backend services.


  • 🤝 Open for collaborations in apps or projects with Golang or Python.
  • 🖊 I occasionally write on Hashnode (Blog)
  • 💬 Ask me about Golang or Python, or a little bit of JS😉
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love sports and reading books 🤩

🛠 Tech Stack

Go  Python  JavaScript  HTML5  CSS3  TAILWIND  Vue  ReactJS  Next 

☁️ Databases

PostgreSQL  MySQL  SQLite 

☁ Hosting/Deployments

Netlify  Heroku  Vercel 

🧰 Tools

Visual Studio Code  Git  Postman  Docker

📖 Recent Blog Posts

📈 My Stats

Blessed's Github streak