JavaScript Map-Reduce Lab


In this lab, you'll practice using reduce() and map() both separately and together on real data.


This is it, the final challenge! Now that we're confident in our ability to use .map() and .reduce(), these challenges should prove sufficiently easy!

In this lab, we're going to work with GitHub API data — more specifically, issues related to courses on We'll analyze this data using .map() and .reduce(), providing us with (some not so) valuable insights!

Updating the API

Let's say GitHub has updated their API URL. That means we're using old data! Let's bring our data up-to-date.

  • Create a variable called issuesWithUpdatedApiUrl
  • The value of this variable is the mapped issues array, replacing any mention of '' (in issue.url) with ''
  • Make sure you don't modify the original objects in the issues array

Counting the comments

To get a quick overview of our community's activity, let's sum up all comments of every issue.

  • The result should be in a variable called commentCountAcrossIssues
  • First, map the issues array and pull out the comments_count, to make things easier
  • Next, reduce the array of comment counts and add them all together
  • Feel free to chain these operations on the issues array for brevity — no need for a temporary variable!

Filtering for open issues

Looking at the data, it seems like some issues are closed already. Those aren't really relevant, so let's create a new array that only has open issues.

  • The result should be in a variable called openIssues
  • This new array should only contain issues where issue.state is set to 'open'

I'm not a robot

Some issues have been automatically created by the bot. Let's filter these out, so we only see issues created by actual humans.

  • The result should be in a variable called nonAutomaticIssues
  • This new array should only contain issues that are not automatically created
  • Hint: check the issue.body for a clue

Showing off

Now that we have our nonAutomaticIssues, let's print these out in a table in our HTML page. The base markup has been provided for you in index.html — all we need to do is add rows to the table body.

  • Use the DOM API to set the HTML of the table body to a list of table rows that have three columns: the issue body, the date and the state of the issue (open or closed)
  • To easily create your HTML markup for all the rows, use .map()
  • Hint: the innerHTML property expects a string, so don't forget to turn your array into one big string by using .join()
