
Web app for transcribing youtube videos powered by Neural space speech to text API

Primary LanguagePython

Speech-to-Text Transcription of YouTube Videos powered by NeuralSpace API

This project allows users to transcribe the audio of any YouTube video into text using NeuralSpace's speech to text API. It takes as input a YouTube URL and returns a transcript of the audio in the video.

Try Transcribing:

web_app: https://blessontomjoseph-transcription-neuralspace-app-qxqa4t.streamlit.app/


clone this repository and run the following commands:

echo 'auth_key = "<your_NeuralSpace_auth_key>"' >> .streamlit/secrets.toml

this adds your NeuralSpace authentication key in the appropriate directory

docker build -t <image_name> .
docker run <image_name>

this creates a docker image and runs the image