
Tweet collecting and visualisation app

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Flask web app, which integrates a hashtag search for geolocalization and displays twitts by country on GoogleMaps.

Live demo



  • Install requirimets: $ pip -r requirements/base.txt
  • Pupulate your .env file with the following lines (see config_examples)
    • export twitteruser='' # Twitter user from which we want to get twitts: "screen_name"
    • export consumer_key='' # go here and create your twitter app
    • export consumer_secret='' # go to "manage keys and access tokens" to see your consumer_secret key
    • export access_token_key='' # download, run this script and follow instructions
    • export access_token_secret=''
    • export GOOGLEMAPS_KEY='' # get here
    • export SECRET_KEY='' # Randomly generated string used by Flask for your cookies and other stuff
  • Run . .env; python main.py


  • Responsive Mobile devices desing with Bootstrap
  • Displays the geolocalised twitts in GoogleMaps, each marker includes a text box with the twitter link to the article or twitt Id.

Docker image

Build or Download Docker image

Build your local Docker image

docker build . -t flask-twitterapi:latest

OR download from Docker hub

docker pull blgo/flask-twitterapi:latest

Run Docker image

Rename your .env file to "env" and run:

. .env; \
docker run --rm --name flask-twitterapi-run \
-e twitteruser="${twitteruser}" \
-e consumer_key="${consumer_key}" \
-e consumer_secret="${consumer_secret}" \
-e access_token_key="${access_token_key}" \
-e access_token_secret="${access_token_secret}" \
-p 80:80 flask-twitterapi:latest

Access the application: http://localhost


  • Optimise country search, analyse performance using Qcachegrind
  • Create .env and zappa_setting example files
  • Test Docker image, amend Dockerhub README
  • Add https URLs for Twitter images
  • Sanitise dependencies
  • Autodeploy to AWS LAMBDA using Travis only for master
  • Limit Zappa IAM user and roles privileges (edit example config file)
  • Make tool to analyse code performance: python -m cProfile -o profile_data.pyprof tests/gettwitts_tests.py python -m pyprof2calltree -i profile_data.pyprof -k && https://gitlab.com/blgo/learn-more-python-the-hard-way/blob/master/ex6-find/find.py comand line arguments parser.