
:shipit: An opinionated example application built with Marionette.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Marionette Wires - Revisited

An opinionated example application built with Marionette.js.


This is a fork of Marionette Wires, with the following differences:

New features

  • Code splitting of colors routes (open network tab of dev tools and go to colors section)
  • Remember last selected book
  • Live webserver for development (auto reload on source change)
  • Animated page transitions (determined dynamically)
  • Animated book selection change
  • Colors list implemented with snabbdom / JSX
  • Pagination implemented as a web component (using skatejs)

Check the live version

Scaffold a new project with similar setup using generator-mn

Quick start

Clone or download this repo.

git clone https://github.com/blikblum/marionette-wires-revisited.git && cd marionette-wires-revisited

Make sure Node.js and npm are installed. Installation of Yarn is recommended but not required


npm install


npm run dev


npm run prod

Once that's done, open up dist/index.html in a browser using a static server.


As a general rule, be sure to read through all of the source code yourself and make sure you understand what is happening.

Directories Purpose
api Mock api routes
dist Built assets
src Source files
test Test files


© 2014 James Kyle. Distributed under ISC license.

© 2018 Marionette v3/v4 port + new features by Luiz Américo