
Marionette view classes using native DOM methods

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A drop-in replacement for Marionette views (View, CollectionView, NextCollectionView) that uses only native DOM methods for element selection and event delegation. It has no dependency on jQuery.


When using a script tag, the view classes and the mixin can be found at Marionette.Native namespace Example:

var NativeView = Marionette.Native.NativeView;
var mixin = Marionette.Native.mixin;

Builtin view classes

import {NativeView, NativeCollectionView, NativeNextCollectionView} from 'marionette.native';
var MyView = NativeView.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    // ...

var MyCollectionView = NativeCollectionView.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    // ...

var MyNextCollectionView = NativeNextCollectionView.extend({
  initialize: function(options) {
    // ...


As an alternative, you may extend an existing View's prototype to use native methods, or even replace Backbone.View itself:

import {View} from 'backbone.marionette';
import {mixin} from 'marionette.native';
var MyBaseView = View.extend(mixin);


import {View} from 'backbone.marionette';
import {mixin} from 'marionette.native';
var MyBaseView = View.extend();
_.extend(MyBaseView.prototype, mixin);


// patch Marionette view classes directly
import {View} from 'backbone.marionette';
import {mixin} from 'marionette.native';
_.extend(View.prototype, mixin);

Remove jQuery dependency

To remove jQuery dependency put the following code in start of application

1) Patch the Marionette classes

import {View, CollectionView, NextCollectionView, Region} from 'backbone.marionette';
import {mixin, domApi} from 'marionette.native';
_.extend(View.prototype, mixin);
_.extend(CollectionView.prototype, mixin);
_.extend(NextCollectionView.prototype, mixin);


import 'marionette.native/patches'

2) Patch Backbone.ajax

With Backbone.NativeAjax

import 'backbone.nativeajax'

or with Backbone.Fetch

import 'backbone.nativeajax'

or with Dom7 (Framework7)

import 'framework7'
import Backbone from 'backbone'

Backbone.ajax = Dom7.ajax

3. Fake jquery

With webpack

//nojquery.js - in same dir as webpack.config.js
module.exports = function() {};
module.exports = {
  // [..]
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      jquery: path.resolve(__dirname, './nojquery.js')

or with script tag:

    //dummy jquery
    window.jQuery = window.$ = function () {}



var view = new MyView({el: '#my-element'});
view.delegate('click', view.clickHandler);

Undelegation with event names or listeners,

view.undelegate('click', view.clickHandler);

View-scoped element finding:

// for one matched element

// for multiple matched elements
_.each(view.$('.item'), function(el) {
var fields = _.pluck(view.$('.field'), 'innerHTML');


Marionette.Native makes use of querySelector and querySelectorAll. No support for IE8.


  • The $el property is set to an array containing view.el.
  • View#$ returns a NodeList instead of a jQuery context. You can iterate over either using _.each.
  • The event object, passed in event handlers, is the native one which, among other things, handles currentTarget differently. On the other hand, the non standard delegateTarget is properly set in the event object.

With many thanks to @wyuenho and @akre54 for their initial code.