
Tests, datasets, and examples for the CLML Machine Learning Library

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

CLML Machine-Learning Library Extras

This repository contains tests for the CLML Machine Learning library and sample datasets and code.

The CLML Machine-Learning is high performance and large scale statistical machine learning package written in Common Lisp developed at MSI. CLML can be obtained from the git repository:

The test code is an excellent way of getting familiar with using CLML


  • test: clml.test test for CLML
  • sample: datasets supporting tests and sample data


Test package

CLML uses LISP-UNIT as it's testing framework. Tests are located in the test directory and are an invaluable source of knowledge in understanding how to use this library.

Running Tests

The clml.test package must be loaded prior to running tests. Below is how to invoke tests:

(ql:quickload :clml.test)
(in-package :test)
(run-tests :all)


  1. Read the documentation in http://www.cs.northwestern.edu/academics/courses/325/readings/lisp-unit.html
  2. Make a file of DEFINE-TEST's. See exercise-tests.lisp for many examples. If you want, start your test file with (REMOVE-TESTS) to clear any previously defined tests.
  3. (use-package :lisp-unit)
  4. Load your code file and your file of tests.
  5. Test your code with (RUN-TESTS test-name1 test-name2 ...) – no quotes! – or simply (RUN-TESTS) to run all defined tests. A summary of how many tests passed and failed will be printed, with details on the failures.
    • Note: Nothing is compiled until RUN-TESTS is expanded. Redefining functions or even macros does not require reloading any tests.

Running the CLML test suite

The test directory contains test code from the CLML library. If using quicklisp this repository should be unpacked in ~/quicklisp/local-projects if using asdf this repository should be in your central registry.

All tests can be ran by:

(ql:quickload :clml.extras)
(in-package :test)
(run-tests :all)

Individual tests can be run by supplying run-tests with a list of tests to execute.

(ql:quickload :clml.extras)
(in-package :test)
(run-tests '(svm.smo.kernels smo.svm))