
Simplify drawing of game sprites on the 2D canvas

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • EZSprites is a work in progress.
  • Please note that the documentation is currently out of date. Many functions are not documented and other functionality has been removed
  • The spriteSheets demo is also not complete and will most likely be completely redesigned or removed.

I am just one person and do not have the resources to give this project my full attention so progress to completion is continuous it may be a few more months before I would consider it bullet proof and in its final configuration.

##The low down EZSprites is a very simple sprite rendering utility written in javascript for use with the 2D canvas API. Just set the context and then draw sprites as images or from sprite sheets. The most basic sprite is centered, scaled, rotated and has an alpha.

For example

EZSprites.context.setCtx(context); // set the context
EZSprites.images.draw(image, x, y, 1, 0, 1); // draw image centered at x,y, scale 1, no rotation, and alpha 1
EZSprites.images.draw(image, x, y, 2, Math.PI / 2, 0.5); // draw image centered at x,y, scale 2, 
                                                         // rotated 90 clockwise, and alpha 0.5

To render sprites from a sprite sheet. First attach a sprites list to the image, this is just an array containing the top left coordinate of the sprite and its width and height

var gameSprites = [
  {x : 0, y : 0, w : 10, h : 10},  // sprite 1
  {x : 10, y : 0, w : 20, h : 20}, // sprite 2
image.sprites = gameSprites; // attach it to the image only need to do this once.

EZSprites.sprites.draw(image, 0, x, y, 2, Math.PI / 2, 0.5); // draw sprite 0  centered at x,y, scale 2, 
                                                             // rotated 90 clockwise, and alpha 0.5
EZSprites.sprites.draw(image, 1, x, y, 0.5, Math.PI / 4, 1); // draw sprite 0  centered at x,y, scale 0.5,
                                                             // rotated 45 clockwise, and alpha 0.5

No need to worry about the transform or much of the math involved in placing the sprite/image. If you only use EZSprites just call as shown above. If you are doing your own rendering then just wrap all the EZSprites calls with a context.save() and context.restore(). If it is only the default settings then just call EZSprites.context.setDefaults() and the canvas will be ready to render to.

##Its all about performance.

Since my first 8 bit game in 1980 written in assemble to the game I am writing at the moment in JavaScript (I am always writing a game) the number one overriding objective for the code is performance. Code performance means I do not have to limit my imagination (as much) and can feel confident when adding extra FX, or more sophisticated logic that it will not effect the frame rate.

EZSprites is no exception and is designed with performance in mind. There is hence no error checking or vetting in this code as this adds overhead reduces the amount of code that is dedicated to the game per frame. As a user of this utility you need to be careful and code in such a way as to avoid sending bad values to EZSprites function.

One potential source of error is the sprite sheet index that you pass as a second argument to the EZSprites.sprites functions. If you pass an index that is out of range the default JavaScript error will be thrown. There is no acceptable default behaviour that can solve this problem (don't draw anything ??, use a place holder image??? are just as bad as crashing). So be carefull.

Pools and static memory.

Javascript comes with Garbage Collection (GC) and for any that have ever had to manage their own memory will know is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But it has its dark side, you have no control over it, and when it does its thing it will block your code. Its easy to tell if a game is badly managing its memory as every few second it will pause. To avoid this use pools and pre assign memory (static memory).

A pool is a predefined set of objects that have been created and assigned memory at the start of the performance section of code. Typically at the level start. The objects are not deleted until performance is not needed, the end of level. As you need object you get them from the pool, use them until not needed, then returned to the pool for use again latter.

Static memory is just the memory assigned to pools or arrays to the start of the performance section. When using an array you should initialise it with the maximum size you expect it to grow to. You should not try to avoid increasing its size because increasing an arrays size means internally JS makes a new copy of the array to accommodate the extra length, and dumps the old copy for GC to clean up.

Some of the functions in EZSprites have an optional return object (for example EZSprites.world.screen2World(x,y,retPosition)) if you do not supply the return object a new one is created for you and returned. If you do this every frame then you will add more work to the GC and degrade the performance. To avoid GC hits create the return object at the start of the game/level and use that same object every time you make that call. Never delete it.

  • EZSprites uses pools and static memory

Note: Care has been taken to not hold references to object outside the control of EZSprite. Do not rely on EZSprites to hold references to images, context, or any objects unless they are on one of the various internal stacks. You must ensure that every function called that begins with push must have a associated pop

If you have a condition that may cause the code to stop using EZSprites at some point and you have lost track of what stacks you have used, call EZSprites.resetAll it will empty all the stacks and reassign static memory for any internal memory it needs.

The stacks used are pre assigned 16 items. If you expect the depth of push,pop operations to be deeper than 16, call resetAll with the max depth you expect the stacks to be.

##Basic usage.

You must set up the canvas and context. Load the images and set up the animation loops (if you are animating)

###Set up the context

EZSprites.context.setCtx(context);// Only needed once if you are 
							      // only using one canvas context        

###Draw a sprite

EZSprites.images.draw(image,x,y,1,0,1); // Draws an image centered 
                                        // at x,y with scale 1 and 
                                        // no rotation and alpha=1
EZSprites.images.draw(image,x,y,2,Math.PI/2,1); // Draws image  
                                                // centered at x,y 
                                                // scale 2 90 deg 
                                                // clockwise

###Helper function

EZSprites.sprites.locateSprites (image) Scans the supplied image (spritesheet) and locates all the sprites. A sprite is any continuous set of pixels that have a non zero alpha value. Sprites should not overlap.


  • image The image to scan. Must be from same domain or have COREs clearance.


  • image If the image is unmodified then the original is returned. If modified then a new copy is returned

Moat. For the best results you should have a one pixel transparent border (moat) around the sprite. This will prevent colour bleeding from neighbouring sprites. Sprites can be butted against the image sides (no boarder required) only inside edges of sprite need a moat.

If a sprite has a width or height that is not event some draw functions will give a slightly blurred effect. It is best to ensure that the sprite width and heights are even.

If the sprite is discontinuous (some pixels are not touching) they can appear as separate sprites. To connect sprite pixels you can use a very faint alpha pixel (alpha value = 1 (of 255)) to connect them or designate a linking/bounding colour. All pixels of this colour will be considered scaffolding and removed from image

NOTE scaffold pixels has not yet been implemented. This features usage may change.

Note it is recommended that you use this function to local the sprites during production and then add the sprite list to the image as javascript or JSON at load time in the release version of your code. This will greatly improve load time and prevent complications that can result if you apply filters or transformations (scale) to the image.

###Notes on sprites.

Sprites are defined by an array attached to the image called sprites. Each entry contains details about where on the image the sprite pixels are.

There are two types of sprites that can be mixed into the array.

  • Standard sprites Just hold details of where on the sprite sheet the sprite is.

  • Virtual A virtual sprite is a sprite who's size is larger then the pixels contained on the sprite sheet. When you have a character that has a lot of movement the size of the pixels it contains can vary between frames. Rather than waste space on the sprite sheet, and waste rendering time rendering transparent pixels, the virtual sprite allows you to have all sprites the same virtual size. That may be 128 by 128 pixels, but the actual sprite on the sprite sheet is only 28by28, the next may be 32 by 16. But when you render it will be treated as a fixed size.

Each sprite in the array has one of the following structures

  • Standard sprite x,y The top left coordinated of the sprite on the sprite sheet. w,h The width and height of the sprite on the sprite sheet.

  • Virtual sprite x,y The top left coordinated of the sprite on the sprite sheet. w,h The width and height of the sprite on the sprite sheet. vx,vy The offset from the virtual top left of the sprite to the top left pixel on the sprite sheet vw,vh The virtual width and height of the sprite.

###Draw functions

  • EZSprites.sprites.draw (image, index, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
  • EZSprites.images.draw (image,x, y, scale, rotate, alpha) Draws sprite or image. If sprite requires index of sprite.
    • Arguments image The image to draw. If sprite requires attached sprite list. index The sprite index used to lookup the sprite sheet coordinates of the sprite x,y The coordinates of the center of the sprite scale The uniform scale of the sprite. 1 = no scale
      rotate The amount to rotate the sprite around its center in radians. Positive is clockwise alpha The alpha value of the sprite. (WARNING this is not vetted, values out of range <0 or >1 will be ignored.

Comes in two variants

  • drawWorld Drawing coordinates in the current world coordinates

  • drawLocal Drawing coordinates in the current local coordinates. This is also the current context transform.

  • EZSprites.sprites.drawCenterScaled (image, index, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)

  • EZSprites.images.drawCenterScaled (image, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    Draws sprite or image. If sprite requires index of sprite. Arguments image The image to draw. If sprite requires attached sprite list. index The sprite index used to lookup the sprite sheet coordinates of the sprite x,y The coordinates of the center of the sprite centerX, centerY The sprite coordinates of the sprite center (he point that the sprite is rotated about) scaleX, scaleY The non uniform scale of the sprite in the sprites x and y local direction. 1 = no scale
    rotate The amount to rotate the sprite around its center in radians. Positive is clockwise alpha The alpha value of the sprite. (WARNING this is not vetted, values out of range <0 or >1 will be ignored. Comes in two variants drawWorldCenterScaled Drawing coordinates in the current world coordinates drawLocalCenterScaled Drawing coordinates in the current local coordinates. This is also the current context transform.

  • EZSprites.sprites.drawTiles(image,tileObj,x,y,scale,rotation,alpha) Not available for EZSprites.images Draws sprites as a tile map. Arguments image The image to draw. If sprite requires attached sprite list. tileObj holds details about the tiles to render. map An array of sprite indexes width Number of sprites (tiles) in the x direction height Number of tiles in the y direction xSize Optional. The spacing in pixels between tiles. If not given then the spacing is set to the width of the first tile in map. ySize Optional. The spacing in pixels between tiles. If not given then the spacing is set to the width of the first tile in map. x,y The coordinates of the top left of first (top left) tile scale The uniform scale of the sprite. 1 = no scale rotate The amount to rotate the sprite around its center in radians. Positive is clockwise alpha The alpha value of the sprite. (WARNING this is not vetted, values out of range <0 or >1 will be ignored. Comes in two variants drawWorldTiles Drawing coordinates in the current world coordinates drawLocalTiles Drawing coordinates in the current local coordinates. This is also the current context transform.

Overview of EZSprites data structure

EZSprite properties

    draw (image, index, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha);
    drawWorld (image, index, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
    drawLocal (image, index, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
    drawCenterScaled (image, index, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawWorldCenterScaled (image, index, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawLocalCenterScaled (image, index, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawAsLine (image, index, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
    drawWorldAsLine (image, index, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
    drawLocalAsLine (image, index, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
    locateSprites (image)
    gridSprites ( image , xCount, yCount)
        Creates an sprite list dividing the image into evenly sized sprites consisting of xCount across and yCount down. If the image width and height can not be evenly divided by the count any extra pixels will not be added to the sprite list. If there is an existing sprite list attached to the image the new sprites will be added to the end of the list.
    draw (image, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
    drawWorld (image, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
    drawLocal (image, x, y, scale, rotate, alpha)
    drawCenterScaled (image, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawWorldCenterScaled (image, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawLocalCenterScaled (image, x, y, centerX, centerY, scaleX, scaleY, rotate, alpha)
    drawAsLine (image, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
    drawWorldAsLine (image, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
    drawLocalAsLine (image, x1, y1, x2, y2, scaleWidth, alpha)
       turn bilinear filtering on and off. If argument on === true bilinear filtering is on. Else it is off
        Set the current context. Overwrites existing if any.
        Get the current context being used.
        Push the current context onto a stack and set the new context to the the argument given.
        Pops the last pushed context from the stack and sets it as the current context.
        Sets the context transform to the World and local transform
        Argument options
        Sets the context transform to the local transform. 
        Recalls last transform set by setLocal, or setWorldLocal
        Restores used context settings to canvas default. globalAlpha, currentTransform, globalCompositeOperation.
    Use to set world coordinates
        Argument options
        Set the current world coordinates. If scaleY is not supplied then scaleX is used as the uniform scale.
        Set the current world origin coordinates.
        Argument options
        Set the world scale.If scaleY is not supplied then scaleX is used as the uniform scale.
        Zooms by amount (amount is a scaling multiplier) at the world position corresponding to the screen coordinates x,y. If invert is true the direction of zoom is reversed
    screen2World(x, y, retPosition)
        Converts screen coordinates to current world coordinates. retPosition is optional. If not supplied a new one is created. (WARNING retPostion should be used, if you don't each call to this function will allocate new memory and if you do not keep a reference then it will also incur addition GC overhead)
    world2Screen(x, y, retPosition)
        Converts current world coordinates to screen coordinates.retPosition is optional. If not supplied a new one is created. (WARNING retPostion should be used, if you don't each call to this function will allocate new memory and if you do not keep a reference then it will also incur addition GC overhead)
        Get the current world coordinates            
        Argument options
        Push current world coordinates onto the stack and set a new one. Note you must match this with a pop. If scaleY is not supplied then scaleX is used as the uniform scale.            
        Pop a previously saved world coordinates from the stack
namedCompModes // list of named composite operations and the associated context string

See the examples for more code examples.

  • Tank example shows how to use drawLocal, drawLocalCenterScaled, setLocal to set the local coordinate space. The base of the tank rotates and moves. To draw the turret it needs to rotate and move with the tank base but still have independent rotation scale and rotation. When the tank shoots the flash needs to be at the end of the gun. All you need is the y distance the end of the gun is from the turret center. Code in the script tag of tankDemo.html

  • WorldTank shows the use of drawWorld,drawLocal, drawLocalCenterScaled, setWorldLocal, setTransform, screen2World, zoom2Screen and is basically the same as Tank but with the ability to zoom and pan the world. Use mouse wheel to zoom and right button to pan.