A set of random helper functions to simplify many common random number needs.
The randoms come in two flavors. Random from JavaScript Math.random and seeded randoms. The seeded randoms alow you to repeat any random sequence using a seed value.
static object and as a set of static functions prefixed with "rand"
or for seeded "srand"
To use the static object Rand
Download randomUtils-Rand.js and add to your page
<script src = "randomUtils-Rand.js"></script>
Just include randomUtils.js on your page.
<script src = "randomUtils.js"></script>
This project is written using ECMAScript6. If your targets are legacy browsers you will need to use something like Babel to ensure compatability.
Seeded random numbers will repeat the same squesnce of random values from the same seed.
Seeded randoms use the object sRand
sRand.max // read only. Returns the max random integer value
sRand.seed // Get set the random seed value.
sRand.randI // read only. Returns a random integer from 0 to sRand.max -1
sRand.rand // read only. Returns a random float from 0 to < 1
Or usinging Rand
You can use it directly via the above functions, or indirectly using the utility functions.
Each time you get a seeded random value the seed value is updated
To set the seed value
sRand.seed = 1; // set seed value to 1
sRand.seed = Date.now(); // Less predictable random seed
or using Rand
Rand.sRand.seed = 1;
Rand.sRand.seed = Date.now();
Rand.seed = 1;
Rand.seed = Date.now();
Please note that seeded randoms are pseudo random using a linear congruential generator. Be aware of its limitations
The random shuffles used in randomUtils.js use a variation on the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.
randI(min, max) // random integer from and including min to max - 1
randI(range) // random integer from and including 0 to range -1
randI() // random interger 0 or 1 (like a coin)
rand(min, max) // random float min <= float < max
rand(range) // random float 0 <= float < range
rand() // random float 0 <= float < 1
Seeded randoms
srandI(min, max) // random integer from and including min to max - 1
srandI(range) // random integer from and including 0 to range -1
srandI() // random interger 0 or 1 (like a coin)
srand(min, max) // random float min <= float < max
srand(range) // random float 0 <= float < range
srand() // random float 0 <= float < 1
Two functions to get a average of 1 in n 'odds' chance of returning true
randOdds(odds) // Chance of returning true 1/odds
randOdds() // Chance of returning true 1/2
Seeded random odds
srandOdds(odds) // Chance of returning true 1/odds
srandOdds() // Chance of returning true 1/2
Note that empty arrays will return undefined
randItem(array) // returns a randomly selected item from array
randPick(array) // return a randomly selected item from array, removing the item from the array.
randPut(array, item)// Adds item randomly to the array.
// Returns the index the item was add. Each call increases the array length by 1
randShuffle(array) // shuffles an array to randomize the content.
// The shuffle is performed in place, it does not create a new array
Seeded random array functions
randPut(array, item)
Generate random arrays of integers and floats
randISet(length,min, max)// returns an array of length containg random integer from and including min to max-1
randISet(length, range) // returns an array of length containg random integer 0 <= int < range
randISet(length) // returns an array of length containg random integers 0 or 1
randSet(length,min, max) // returns an array of length containg random integer from and including min to max-1
randSet(length, range) // returns an array of length containg random integer 0 <= int < range
randSet(length) // returns an array of length containg random integers 0 or 1
Seeded version
srandISet(length,min, max)
srandISet(length, range)
srandSet(length,min, max)
srandSet(length, range)
List of function signatures. These functions mirror the static functions (above) with some name changes
Rand.int(min, max)
Rand.float(min, max)
Rand.put(array, item)
Rand.setOfFloats(length, min, max)
Rand.setOfFloats(length, range)
Rand.setOfInts(length, min, max)
Rand.setOfInts(length, range)
// seeded randoms
Rand.sInt(min, max)
Rand.sFloat(min, max)
Rand.sPut(array, item)
Rand.sSetOfFloats(length, min, max)
Rand.sSetOfFloats(length, range)
Rand.sSetOfInts(length, min, max)
Rand.sSetOfInts(length, range)