This script is meant to build XBMC binary addons on Windows platform.


buildbot.bat "<path_to_addon>" "<output_dir>"

You can try the build script using: buildbot.bat "test\visualization.spectrum" "output\visualization.spectrum"


  • Addon directory must contains a "windows" subdirectory
  • Addon must be compilable with Visual C++ 2010 Express, and your solution must be named "addon.sln", and must reside in the "windows" folder.
  • The release build must be named 'Release'
  • No binairies in the repository. Dependencies will be downloaded automatically before building. See the 'Dependencies' subsection for more informations
  • Your solution must copy the final built dll to then 'addon' folder. You can use the 'Custom Build Step' in project properties, with a command line like that:
    • xcopy $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt) $(SolutionDir)..\addon\
    • don't forget to set 'Outputs' to '$(SolutionDir)..\addon\$(TargetName)$(TargetExt)'


Since you can't have any binairies in the repository, you must provide a way to download them, either from your own repository or from the dependency's own website.

  • You need a 'dependencies' folder in the 'windows' folder. When building, the script will look for a file named 'dependencies.txt', located in the 'scripts' folder (\windows\dependencies\scripts). That file contains which dependencies need to be downloaded, with the following structure (';' are for comments) :
; filename                              path 

With that dependencies file, the build system will download '' from '', and will extract it.

  • You also need to provide a 'copy_deps.bat' script, located in the 'scripts' folder, which should handle dependencies copy. For that, you have three variables:

    • %LIB_DIR% : this folder contains .lib files needed to build the addon (\windows\dependencies\lib)
    • %INC_DIR% : this folder contains include files needed to build the addon (\windows\dependencies\include)
    • %BIN_DIR% : this folder contains all binairies needed to run the addon (\windows\dependencies\bin). Every files in this folder will be copied into the 'addon' folder

    When the script is executed, the current directory is already set to the folder where dependencies are extracted. Here's an example for the curl dependency:

cd "curl-7.21.1-devel-mingw32"

REM Binairies
xcopy "bin\*.dll" %BIN_DIR% /E /Q /I /Y

REM Libs
xcopy "lib\*" %LIB_DIR% /E /Q /I /Y

REM Includes
xcopy "include\curl\*" %INC_DIR% /E /Q /I /Y

If you want to exclude something from being copied, just provide a 'exclude.txt' file in the 'dependencies' folder. (see for the /exclude parameter)

Note: don't store anything in the dependencies folder, except the scripts folder. The 'lib', 'bin' and 'include' folders are automatically removed as soon as the build is completed.