
A docker image that can be used when hosting self hosted runners for Github action

Primary LanguageShell

GitHub Runner Container Image 🏃‍♂️🐳

Table of Contents

Introduction 📚

This repository contains the files required to build a Docker image designed to host self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions on the Azure cloud. The image is updated every Sunday at 12:00 UTC. Built upon the myoung34/github-runner:ubuntu-jammy base image, it extends its functionality by incorporating various development and runtime environments, including the Azure CLI, .NET, PowerShell, and more.

Quick Start 🚀

Pull the latest image with docker pull ghcr.io/blinqas/github_runner:latest. To run it with the required environment variables, use:

docker run -d --name github-runner \
  -e RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX=your_prefix \
  -e ACCESS_TOKEN=your_access_token \
  -e RUNNER_SCOPE=org \
  -e ORG_NAME=your_org_name \

The image is mainly target against Azure and is updated every Sunday at 12:00 UTC. It can be found on GitHub Packages at this link.

What's Installed 🛠️

The following table provides details about the software and frameworks installed in this container image:

Software/Framework Version Purpose
Ubuntu jammy (22.04) Base OS
NodeJS 20.x JavaScript runtime
PowerShell Latest Shell environment
.NET SDK 6.x, 7.0.111 .NET SDK environments
Azure CLI 2.52.0 Azure command-line interface
Az PowerShell Latest Azure PowerShell module
Az PowerShell Latest Azure PowerShell module

Example deployment using The Image on Azure Container App 🚀

Below is an example Terraform code that deploys this container as a runner on Azure Container App. You would also need an existing container app environment.

resource "azurerm_container_app" "runner" {
  name                         = "ca-${var.project_name}-${local.environment_name}"
  container_app_environment_id = azurerm_container_app_environment.runner_env.id
  resource_group_name          = data.azurerm_resource_group.deployment.name
  revision_mode                = "Single"
  tags                         = local.tags

  template {
    min_replicas = 1
    max_replicas = 1

    container {
      name   = "github-runner-01"
      image  = "ghcr.io/blinqas/github_runner:latest"
      cpu    = 2
      memory = "4Gi"

      env {
        name  = "RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX"
        value = "github-runner"
      env {
        name        = "ACCESS_TOKEN"
        secret_name = "github-access-token"
      env {
        name  = "RUNNER_SCOPE"
        value = "org"
      env {
        name  = "ORG_NAME"
        value = "yourGithubOrgName"

  secret {
    name  = "github-access-token"
    value = var.github_token

Environment Variables 🔐

The following environment variables should be set if you want to setup the runner for an organization:

  • RUNNER_NAME_PREFIX: Prefix for the GitHub runner.
  • ACCESS_TOKEN: GitHub Access Token, stored as a secret.
  • RUNNER_SCOPE: Scope of the runner, set to org for organization-level runners.
  • ORG_NAME: GitHub organization name where the runner will be registered.

You can find the full list of environment variables in here

Github Token Scope

Creating GitHub personal access token (PAT) for using by self-hosted runner make sure the following scopes are selected:

  • repo (all)
  • admin:org (all) (mandatory for organization-wide runner)
  • admin:enterprise (all) (mandatory for enterprise-wide runner)
  • admin:public_key - read:public_key
  • admin:repo_hook - read:repo_hook
  • admin:org_hook
  • notifications
  • workflow