
Use Station to create secure and automated environments for your workloads in Azure

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Station Terraform Module

Station is a Terraform module that lets you quickly spin up new workload environments in Azure and Terraform Cloud. Station gives you a high level of automation for workload environment provisioning.

  • Station is maintained by the DevOps team at blinQ (https://blinq.no).
  • See the terraform-docs.md file for terraform-docs generated documentation.
  • Check out our Design Decision document here.

Why does Station exist?

To quickly enable users to deploy workload environments in Azure. Isolating Entra ID and Azure Subscription interactions from the actual workload environment. Station consists of three parts; bootstrap, deployments and workload environment.

  • Bootstrap: setting up a Station for your Azure subscription(s) and tenant. (Administrator with permissions on Subscription and Entra ID/Azure AD)
  • Deployments: Where workload environments are defined and deployed. (Application Team/DevOps/SRE/Platform Engineer/Cloud Engineer)
  • Workload Environment: The workload environment where infrastructure is deployed to. (Application Team)

Station was designed with isolation in mind. We want our environments to work with least-privilege principle. That's why your workload identity is restricted to permissions inside its own resource group(s). The module is highly flexible and also support Cloud Adoption Framework-like modularization. See our COMING! examples folder for more!

Who uses Station?

Station is used primarily in context of application development and hosting; DevOps, GitOps, SRE's or Platform Engineers. There is nothing wrong with using Station in operations; we encourage it!


  • Terraform Cloud account
    • Permission to create Team Token
  • Azure- Tenant and Subscription
    • Global Administrator on Azure AD
    • Owner on Subscription


The following example deploys a workload environment for common resources, in this environment we would deploy Container Registries for example.

Consider the following file structure:

# filename: common.tf
module "common" {
  source              = "git::https://github.com/blinqas/station.git?ref=1.3.0"
  environment_name    = "prod"
  resource_group_name = "common"
  tags                = local.tags.common
  tfe = {
    organization_name     = "my-tfc-organization"
    project_name          = "Azure"
    workspace_name        = "common"
    workspace_description = "Common resources which are shared between workloads."
    vcs_repo = {
      identifier     = github_repository.repos["common"].full_name
      branch         = "trunk"
      oauth_token_id = var.vcs_repo_oauth_token_id

This file would provision the following:

  • Resource Group
  • Managed Identity
    • Service Principal is assigned Owner on Resource Group
  • Federated Credential (OIDC to authenticate Terraform Cloud runners)
  • Terraform Cloud (TFC) Workspace
    • Configured to run on commits to trunk branch
    • Configured to authenticate to VCS with token already in Terraform Cloud
  • TFC Environment Variables for OIDC authentication with Managed Identity

