Scrabble Sinatra

We are going to use the functionality that we implemented in our Scrabble projects using the new Sinatra functionality we have learned.


You'll be working on this assignment with a pair.
Choose one person to fork and clone the repo.
Add the second individual as a collaborator to the forked repo.
Both individuals will clone the forked repo: $ git clone [YOUR FORKED REPO URL]


Once you've acheived this baseline, take a walk around the room and see if you can answer questions or help other teams.

This project...

  • needs a Gemfile so others are aware of its dependencies.
  • needs a file; look at the structure in the SinatraSite project for an example
  • should be started with rackup on the command line.


  • Create a new Sinatra application with a home page (route for '/') that contains a link to a score page (route & view).
  • The score page will include a form that contains one text input. This form will POST the word for scoring. The calculated score is then returned and displayed to the user.


  • Create a new page (route & view) which will allow the user to score multiple words.
    • This functionality should use the Scrabble functionality that scored an array of words.
  • In any view that shows a scored word, include a letter-by-letter breakdown showing the point value for each letter along with the score for the word. Avoid duplicating markup wherever possible; use partials to DRY up erb logic and HTML blocks.


  • Modify the Lunch form to include radio buttons that will change the way the words are scored. The user can choose which piece of information has the highest weight:
    • 7-letters highest (the default from the original project)
    • Shortest word always (will outweigh 7-letters)


  • Implement a GET route that is equivalent to the form created for Breakfast.
    • Hint: Think about idempotency; how could the breakfast functionality be implemented in a way that is idempotent?