
REST API and Visualizations for CA SBAC Assessments

Primary LanguagePython



This app is designed to serve up SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment) data for California in an easy to query format for simple consumption by education developers as well as a reporting front end with easy to interpret results for general audiences.

Data Source: CAASPP SBAC Results


  • Django 2.0
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Python 3.5
  • Pipenv
  • PostgreSQL 10

Getting Started

Install Dependencies

$ pip install pipenv
$ pipenv install

Setup Database

Run the automated PostgreSQL setup script. You will need to supply a database name, user, and password at runtime.

$ ./psql.sh

Migrate Database

$ pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Run the Test Suite

$ pipenv run python manage.py test

Run the Local Server

$ pipenv run python manage.py runserver