
A Laravel package to optimize and store images in different sizes in order to load the appropriate one according to the screen size.

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Laravel Multi Size Image

Laravel package to optimize and store images in different sizes in order to load the appropriate one according to the screen size.




Require the package via Composer:

$ composer require guizoxxv/laravel-multi-size-image


Publish the package configuration file to your Laravel project to change the default behavior.

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Guizoxxv\LaravelMultiSizeImage\MultiSizeImageServiceProvider"

A config/multiSizeImage.php file will be added in your project.


1. Instantiate

To apply Multi Size Image first you must create an instance of it.

use Guizoxxv\LaravelMultiSizeImage\MultiSizeImage;


$multiSizeImage = new MultiSizeImage();

2. Process image

Call the processImage method passing the file path as the first argument.

$filePath = Storage::path('folder/file.png');


The file path must be absolute.

The method returns an array of strings with the full path of the generated files.

2.1. Mime types

Only mime types defined in the mime_types array in the config/multiSizeImage.php file are considered. If a file with mime type not present is used, it is ignored and the method returns null.

This package is configured to optimize jpeg and png images. Check the Optimizing section to learn how to optimize images with other mime types.

2.2. Output path

The default behavior is to create the resized image versions in the same path as the original's. To send the images to a different location you can provide the output path as a second optional parameter.

$multiSizeImage->processImage($filePath, $outputPath, $basePath);

The basePath optional parameter can be used to keep the original file path as of this path.

2.3. Resizing

The resizable values are defined by the sizes array in the config/multiSizeImage.php file. This array has the keys as the size identification and the value as the size for the image to be resized to.

'sizes' => [
    'tb' => 150,
    'sm' => 300,
    'lg' => 1024,

Above are the default values. The biggest dimension is considered when resizing and the aspect ratio is kept. An auto-generated name will be used as the new file name. The size identification is used as a suffix in the file name to distinguish which will be loaded.


If a 2000x1000px (width x height) image is used, the following files will be generated:

If the image width and height are lower than the specified resize value, the image is not resized and the new file is generated without a suffix.


If a 100x200px (width x height) image is used, the following files will be generated:

2.4. File name

If you want to keep the original's file name instead of using an auto-generated one, set keep_original_name to true in the config/multiSizeImage.php file.

You can also provide an optional custom name as a forth parameter to the processImage method.

$multiSizeImage->processImage($filePath, $outputPath, $basePath, $fileName);

2.5. Optimizing

By default the newly generate image is also optimized using image-optimizer package with JpegOptim, Optipng and Pngquant 2 optimizers with the following OptimizerChain.

$optimizerChain = (new OptimizerChain)
    ->addOptimizer(new Jpegoptim([
    ->addOptimizer(new Pngquant([
    ->addOptimizer(new Optipng([

To override the default optimization behavior you can provide a custom OptimizerChain as an argument when instantiating MultiSizeImage.

use Guizoxxv\LaravelMultiSizeImage\MultiSizeImage;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Svgo;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Optipng;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Gifsicle;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Pngquant;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Jpegoptim;
use Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Cwebp;


$optimizerChain = (new OptimizerChain)
    ->addOptimizer(new Jpegoptim([
    ->addOptimizer(new Pngquant([
    ->addOptimizer(new Optipng([
    ->addOptimizer(new Svgo([
    ->addOptimizer(new Gifsicle([
    ->addOptimizer(new Cwebp([
        '-m 6',
        '-pass 10',
        '-q 90',

$multiSizeImage = new MultiSizeImage($optimizerChain);

You can also disable optimization by setting optimize to false in the config/multiSizeImage.php file.

2.6. Delete original

The default behavior is to delete the original image after processing if the resized files names don't match the original's (changed name or path). If you choose to keep it, set keep_original_file to true in the config/multiSizeImage.php file.

3. Render

Render the image file according to the screen size.

Remember to provide a fallback in case the image name does not have a suffix.