
A barebones reddit clone written in Django and React.

Primary LanguageCSS

Reddit Clone

App: https://threddit.netlify.app/

This repository is a reddit clone written in django on the backend and react and redux toolkit on the frontend. The database is a postgresql database. The backend simply serves as a rest api to the frontend using the django rest framework. The styling of the application was completed with CSS modules.

Technologies Used


  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • PostgresSQL (with ORM)
  • djangorestframework-simplejwt



  • Frontend deployed on Netlify
  • Backend with AWS Lambda through an API Gateway. Amazon RDS is used for database.


  • Ability to create, edit and delete posts/comments.
  • Ability to create categories for posts.
  • Nested comments of unlimited length.
  • Ability to toggle the visiblity of comment replies.
  • Ability to sort posts and comments by various metrics.
  • Ability to sort posts by category.
  • Ability to vote on comments and posts.
  • Infinite scrolling when viewing posts.

Desired Future Features

  • Infinite Scrolling for comments (harder to implement due to nested nature of comments).
  • Dark Mode
  • Ability for users to save posts and comments as well as ability to view a user's posts and comments.


First, clone the repository onto your local machine like so:

git clone https://github.com/Mitch281/django-react-reddit-clone.git

Now navigate into the repository:

cd django-react-reddit-clone

Backend Dependencies

Before starting, make sure you have pipenv installed. This can be instaled from https://pypi.org/project/pipenv/. After installing, start a virtual environment and install dependencies like so:

pipenv shell
pipenv install

Next, create a .env file in the backend directory (the directory containing manage.py), and place the following code:


Note that this is just a placeholder secret key.

Next, generate a random secret key

cd backend
python manage.py shell
from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key

Replace the "1" previously set as the secret key with the value generated.

Now exit the shell by typing


Frontend Dependencies

First, navigate back to the root directory like so:

cd ..

Next, make sure you have node installed. This can be installed from https://nodejs.org/en/download/. Now perform the below commands to install dependencies:

cd frontend
npm install

Running the App

Open two seperate terminals and in the first terminal, perform (from the root directory):

pipenv shell
cd backend
python manage.py migrate <!-- Only necessary when running for first time. -->
python manage.py runserver

And in the second terminal (from the root directory):

cd frontend
npm start

Congratulations, the app is now running!