
Module Manager error?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I just clicked to install png2polygon from Ted2Go's Module Manager, and it appears to be rebuilding all modules, including SDL2, assimp, stb-vorbis, std, etc!

Guessing that's not meant to happen, certainly never done that before!


I have also noticed this and thought it may have been a bug . . . I wonder if this is an IDE or tool related thing.

engor commented

IDE update modules, don't rebuild from scratch.
I think proper way is to update only modules from depends section.

Is that new? I know in the past (quite some time ago, admittedly) it didn't seem to do this. I actually thought it might be weirdly related to the rebuildall*.bat changes recently, eg. running updateall in error.

I didn't want to cancel the build, not knowing what state things would have been left in, and basically had to find something else to do for half an hour or so! (#firstworldproblems)

It's hard to see the need to rebuild std-vorbis or assimp when adding png2polygon, for instance...

engor commented

Actually, I think just updating the installed/updated modules might be
enough as this should automatically update dependancies?


I didn't want to cancel the build, not knowing what state things would have been left in, and basically had to find something else to do for half an hour or so! (#firstworldproblems)

Yes, if you use precompiled version (and many of users use that) then first update is the same as total rebuild coz there is no built files yet.

engor commented

I just pushed fix into ted2go's dev-branch, since now it will update only performed modules.

Can be closed?