
This application was made for self-purposes to automate checking of .xls document and try Symphony Console component.

This is simple command-line application based on Nette and Symphony Console component which helps to find specific case-number in .xls document. In other words check status of your application.

See page of for more details.

By default script will search in all sheets and handle all years. To set more specific filters please use the following options --year and --type.

How to use

  1. Clone this repository and run composer update
  2. Use command sudo php www/index.php papers:check [--type=ALL] [--year=ALL] [document-number]

If you have number XXX-09999-9/ZZ-2015 your command should look like (use numbers between XXX- and -9 without 0 at the beginning): sudo php www/index.php papers:check 9999

Command-line options

  1. --type by default equal to all. List of possible types: DV, PP, DP, ZM and TP Example sudo php www/index.php papers:check 99999 --type TP
  2. --yearby default equal to all. Script will try find number in all available years. Example sudo php www/index.php papers:check 99999 --year 2016


  1. Nette framework
  2. Symphony Console
  3. PHPExcel
  4. Semantic UI