
Explore the latent spaces of Stable Diffusion. ⛵️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stable Diffusion Explorer

A simple tool to explore generation within Stable Diffusion.


Set up the diffusers library from Hugging Face (you'll need Python 3) and make sure you have a Hugging Face API token (read only is fine). Put that token in ~/.huggingface. Clone this repo anywhere you want.


Start up the server by running python -m scripts.server in the top of this repo directory. It will download the model and once it's ready, print a link to the local server. Open this link to access the UI.

Developing the frontend

In order to keep development fun and productive, this JavaScript application uses minimal dependency management tools and zero bundling / compilation steps. Everything runs directly in the browser using ES Modules, Import Maps, and template strings for JSX support and CSS-in-JS. Obviously this is not great for performance in general but for a project like this it has worked very well.

If you need to add or update a dependency, use https://generator.jspm.io/ with the import map in index.html.