
Acceptance tests for FRP scaling

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Use cases for FRP test'n'scale



Related to Web Of Things specification

  • event - generated by a device to signal a detection (of some kind)
  • property - set on, or changed by, a device to signal a state change
  • action - sent to a device, takes an amount of time to be completed by the device

Realted to the tests

  • direction: ->: client-to-server
  • direction: <-: server-to-client

Short Description of the Use Cases implemented in code

There are 4 use cases that are tested between a webthing-client and a webthing-server

UC name direction UC traffic total number of messages
uc1 - idle/none = 0 messages sent
uc2 <- 15 "on" events
15 "off" events
for "on" 15 * 1
for "off" 15 * 1

= 30 messages sent
uc3 <- 15 "on" events
15 "off" events

for each event:
14 properties are updated
for "on" 15 * (1 + 14)
for "off" 15 * (1 + 14)

= 450 messages sent
uc4 -> 15 actions

for each action:
1 property is updated
each action generates 4 messages:
-> requestAction
<- actionStatus - created
<- actionStatus - pending
<- actionStatus - finished

each property update generates 1 message:
<- propertyStatus

= 15 * (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1)
= 75 messages sent

Running these Use Cases - with Docker

NOTE: containers do not yet exit when the use case test is done. This would probably be done in the future. For now multiply 15*UC_INTERVAL and then manuall stop/remove containers

NOTE: tcpdump capture files are inside containers, their folder will be mapped to a host volume in the near future.

Have docker and docker-compose installed

All tests can be ran in parallel

Prepare the docker environment - only run once, or if you've made changes in any of the 3 folders


Before running the actual tests, make sure a frps is running:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-frps.yml up -d

Example of running all use cases:

./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc1 linc-gw-1
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc2 linc-gw-2
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc3 linc-gw-3
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc4 linc-gw-4

Example of running multiple instances of each use case:

./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc1 linc-gw-1
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc2 linc-gw-2
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc3 linc-gw-3
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc4 linc-gw-4
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc1 linc-gw-5
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc2 linc-gw-6
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc3 linc-gw-7
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc4 linc-gw-8
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc1 linc-gw-9
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc2 linc-gw-10
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc3 linc-gw-11
./docker-RUN-uc.sh uc4 linc-gw-12

Running these Use Cases - on local machine

NOTE: launch the server part and then the client part as quickly as possible

Install dependencies

cd webthing-server
npm i
npm run build

cd -
cd webthing-client
npm i

See default values and what they do

see comments in .env files from webthing-client and webthing-server folders

Running Use Cases

Give tcpdump execute permissions for the current user:

sudo groupadd pcap
sudo usermod -a -G pcap $USER
sudo chgrp pcap /usr/sbin/tcpdump
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump

To resolve subdomains, either have a few entries in /etc/hosts: frps webthing-server-200.frps webthing-server-300.frps

... or use dnsmasq's dnsmasq.conf with:


Run Use Case 2 (with some defaults):

UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN=webthing-server-200 # should add .frps and add it in /etc/hosts 


cd webthing-server
npm run $USE_CASE &
sleep 1
sed "s/linc-gw-unknown/$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN/g" frpc_template.ini > frpc-$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.ini
frpc -c frpc-$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.ini
cd -
cd webthing-client
npm run $USE_CASE &

To also run Use Case 3 in parallel:

UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN=webthing-server-300 # should add .frps and add it in /etc/hosts 


cd webthing-server
npm run $USE_CASE &
sleep 1
sed "s/linc-gw-unknown/$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN/g" frpc_template.ini > frpc-$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.ini
sed -i "s/8888/$SERVER_PORT/g" frpc-$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.ini
frpc -c frpc-$UNIQUE_SUBDOMAIN.ini
cd -
cd webthing-client
npm run $USE_CASE &

To run dozens of tests on local machine make sure linc-gw-unknown and 8888 are unique for each server-client pair.