
d2bs: core + d2bot (noah) + kolbot libs (kolton) | January 2020's clone of https://github.com/kolton/d2bot-with-kolbot/ + further development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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  1. D2BS, D2Bot and kolbot # are educational tools with an open source developer community. These tools are meant to be used offline or on private servers that explicitly allow them. These tools are not meant to be abused on battle.net (a Blizzard Entertainment entity).

  2. D2BS, D2Bot # and kolbot are provided as is and for FREE. If you paid or are asked to pay for these tools, do not proceed.

  3. These tools are not inteded for cheating, maliciously exploiting, or illegal use of software.


  • this name is better known than others, even it is just a part of d2bs (diablo 2 botting system) which contain 3 distinct components:
    • D2BS - core (C++)
    • D2Bot# - manager (C#)
    • kolbot - script library (JS)

If you want to contribute to kolbot code, make sure you run npm run lint for final polish.

If you want to contribute to d2bs/d2bot#, come to irc.synirc.net/d2bs and ask around.

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Install dependencies - do this first!

Getting Started


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