A categorized collection of awesome opensource Unreal Engine 4 repos
- AI
- Controller
- Pawn
- Plugin
- Database Connector
- Example Blueprint
- Game Environment
- Gameplay
- Graphics
- Graphics Compute Plugins
- Machine Learning
- Mobile
- Networking
- Scripting
- Serializing
- Sound
- VR
- UI
- Utilities
- Text Formatter/Parser
- Tools
- Documents
- BTUtilityPlugin - Extension to engine behavior tree system, adding utility-based selection nodes - Plugin version
- LeapUnreal - Leap Motion SDK for the Unreal Engine
- myo-ue4 - Myo Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- Swipe - A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that exposes swipes on mobile devices as events in blueprint
- Pawn - Machinery Modelling Toolkit (Plugin for UE4)
- PsWebServer - Civet web server integration plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- PsReplayKit - Unreal Engine 4 plugin for iOS to record or stream video from the screen, and audio from the app and microphone
- PsFacebookMobile - Just a simple Unreal Engine 4 integration of Facebook authorization for mobile devices
- UE4GameLiftClientSDK - Gamelift Client SDK for Unreal Engine 4
- acl-ue4-plugin - The official Animation Compression Library Unreal Engine 4 plugin
- MMT_Plugin - This plugin provides some basic means to add custom physics code in blueprints, which can be executed during physics sub-stepping. This repository contains only plugin binary for x64 and source code.
- Dialogue System - The Dialogue System Plugin allows you to create simple as well as multi-branch dialogoues with the help of a graph editor.
- UE4GameJoltAPI - A project including a plugin that allows you to use GameJolt's Game API to unlock achievements and post highscores to your GameJolt Page.
- Unreal Engine 4 - GameJolt API Plugin - This plugin adds Blueprint nodes to use the GameJolt API
- KawaiiPhysics - Simple fake Physics for UnrealEngine4
- MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin - MySQL Database Connector Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- SQLite3UE4 - SQLite3 Database Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- UEFireBase - this is a firebase basic plugin for unreal engine 4 mobile developer, both c++ and blueprint supported
- MenuTemplateSP - This is my open source single player menu system. It's not perfect but it works and it's all in blueprint.
- OceanProject - An Ocean Simulation project for Unreal Engine 4
- VoxelPlugin - Voxel plugin for Unreal Engine
- StreetMap - Import OpenStreetMap data into Unreal Engine 4
- RuntimeMeshComponent - Unreal Engine 4 plugin component for rendering runtime generated content
- Greebler - UE4 and Unity plugin to automatically add rubble in the nooks and crannies of your scene
- cashgenUE - Runtime Procedural Terrain Generator for UnrealEngine
- UE4-CustomGravityPlugin - Unreal Engine 4 : Custom Gravity Plugin
- UnrealSandboxTerrain - Smooth voxel terrain plugin
- VaFogOfWar - A clear and simple solution of Fog of War for Unreal Engine 4
- PBCharacterMovement - https://github.com/ProjectBorealis/PBCharacterMovement
- GASDocumentation - My understanding of Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.
- GASShooter - Advanced FPS/TPS Sample Project for Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin
- CelShader - Advanced CelShader project for Unreal Engine 4
- GhostMeshPlugin - This is a UE4 plugin that can create ghost mesh in Unreal Engine 4
- CensoredUE4 - World space area censoring solution for Unreal Engine 4. It is using blueprint actor for censoring and can be attached to any other blueprint actor like characters
- unrealcv - UnrealCV: Connecting Computer Vision to Unreal Engine
- OpenCL.uplugin - OpenCL Plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- tensorflow-ue4 - TensorFlow plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- MobileUtils - A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that lets you integrate mobile utilities into your project
- UnrealEngine4-EZ-Mobile-Ads - One line code(or blueprint) Integrates Google AdMob and other ad networks to unreal engine 4 for iOS & Android
- VaRest - REST API plugin for Unreal Engine 4 - we love restfull backend and JSON communications!
- socketio-client-ue4 - socket.io client plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- UEWebsocket - unreal engine 4 websocket plugin for both c++ and blueprint developer
- InfraworldRuntime - A solution that enables Unreal Engine 4 to work with Google gRPC services from either C++ or Blueprints.
- udp-ue4 - Convenience UDP wrapper for Unreal Engine 4
- tcp-ue4 - Convenience TCP wrapper for Unreal Engine 4
- socketcluster-client-ue4 - UE4 client for socketcluster framework in node.js
- UE4MasterServer - This is a plugin for Unreal Engine 4 that adds server registration, deregistration etc with a master server.
- ObjectDeliverer - ObjectDeliverer is a data transmission / reception library for Unreal Engine (C ++, Blueprint)
- UE4_EOS_Plugin - A plugin and sample project, built for Unreal Engine 4, that implements the Epic Online Services SDK
- Unreal.js - Unreal.js: Javascript runtime built for UnrealEngine 4
- UnrealEnginePython - Embed Python in Unreal Engine 4
- SkookumScript-UnrealEngine - SkookumScript - the scripting language for superpowered game development
- sluaunreal - lua dev plugin for unreal engine 4
- USharp - C# plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- UnLua - A feature-rich, easy-learning and highly optimized Lua scripting plugin for UE4
- UnrealCLR - Unreal Engine 4 .NET Core integration
- FreeXml - A simple plugin exposing Unreal's xml parsing capabilities to Blueprints
- ArthursAudioBPs - UE4 project with various examples of audio-related stuff like visualizers, generators etc.
- OSVR-Unreal - OSVR plugin for Unreal Engine
- React-UMG - A React renderer for Unreal Motion Graphics With Unreal.js
- Noesis/UE4Plugin - NoesisGUI Integration to UE4
- UMG-MoveableWindow
- VRUMGPlugin - A compatability layer between UE4 UMG and VR
- MeshWidgets - UE 4.13 plugin for UMG & Slate widgets on StaticMesh surface
- UMG-ResizableWidget - Resizable Widget for UMG for Unreal Engine 4
- AnimatedCrosshairsUE4 - Animated Crosshairs for Unreal Engine 4 provides 17 ready to use animated UMG widgets including demo scene to test their combination
- FastSwitcher - Fast Switcher UMG for Unreal Engine 4 loads only the needed widget
- Unreal-UMG-3DObjectInWidget - A simple Unreal Engine 4 project (precisely 4.7.4) showing how to render a 3D object/mesh in a UMG widget
- UE4GamepadUMG - Unreal Engine 4 gamepad plugin so you can use a gamepad like a mouse in UMG
- VaTexAtlas - Simple way to use texture atlases for Unreal Engine 4 UMG
- ParagonUIPrototyping - Paragon UI Prototyping using UE4.11 UMG
- BLUI - Rich HTML UI engine for UE4
- UnrealImGui - Unreal plug-in that integrates Dear ImGui framework into Unreal Engine 4.
- ZipUtility Plugin - Event driven 7zip utility plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- VictoryPlugin - Rama's Victory BP Plugin
- RuntimeMeshComponent - Unreal Engine 4 plugin component for rendering runtime generated content
- ServerRecast - UE4 plugin for navmesh export
- HoudiniEngineForUnreal - Houdini Engine for Unreal Engine is a plug-in that allows integration of Houdini technology into Unreal.
- Unreal-Library - UE Explorer's library for parsing data from games built with the Unreal Engine.
- ProjectExodus - Project Exodus - Unity to Unreal scene/project transfer tool.
- SuperluminalPlugin - UE4 Plugin for Superluminal Profiler
- UE4-Binary-Builder - An application designed to create installed Unreal Engine builds (aka Rocket builds) from Unreal Engine GitHub source.
- prefabricator-ue4 - Prefabricator - Prefab plugin for Unreal Engine 4
- WhatsMyPublicIP-ue4-plugin - In case you need to get your public IP - this can help. C++ and Blueprints
- WindowCapture2D - Library for capturing and displaying windows in real time with UnrealEngine
- UnrealFastNoise - Modular, Blueprint-friendly noise generation for UE4
- EasyJsonParser - json parse library for unreal engine
- EasyXMLParser - xml parse library for unreal engine
- Retargeting Mixamo Animation Tool
- Mr-Mannequins-Tools - An add-on for Blender 2.8+ that enables export and import of animations and character meshes to and from UE4 without the need for re-targeting within Unreal Engine.
- optick - C++ Profiler For Games
- ue4-docker - Windows and Linux containers for Unreal Engine 4
- GASDocumentation - My understanding of Unreal Engine 4's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.
- Game Development & Unreal Engine Programming Guide - Game Development & Unreal Engine Programming Guide https://bebylon.dev/