
A Super Java Agent

Primary LanguageJava

Agent Bond

The name's Bond, Agent Bond ...

Agent Bond is a super agent, which wraps and dispatches on several other agents. That way, you only have to install a single agent within your JVM with a single set of configuration data (which contains multiple separate parts).

The following agents are currently supported:


java -javaagent:agent-bond.jar=jolokia{{port=8778}},jmx_exporter{{9779:config.yml}}

The argument passed to the agent has the general format:

agent1_type{{ options }}, agent2_type{{ options }}, ... 

Only agents referenced are enabled. The possible agent types are:

  • jolokia : Options for the Jolokia JVM agents as they are specified in the reference manual. The configuration for Jolokia can be omitted, it will take then the default values
  • jmx_exporter : Options for jmx_exporter which are mandatory. You need the port and the path to the configuration file like in jmx_exporter{{9779:config.yml}}

Alternatively instead of providing the configuration on the command line you can also specify the path to a property file like in -javaagent:agent-bond.jar=agent.properties where the properties hold the configuration line by line:


If both, a property file and specific agent configuration is provided on the command line, then the configuration on the command line overwrites the one in the configuration.

An agent is only enabled when it is mentioned in the configuration, even with an empty agent configuration (like jolokia{{}})

Docker Base Image

There is also a Docker base image available: fabric8/java-alpine-openjdk8-jre

You can use this to easily enable Jolokia and/or jmx_exporter for your Java applications. Some sample usage for Tomcat and Wildfly are included.