🤖 ChatGPT Commit Message Hook 🪝

Let ChatGPT write your commit messages.

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ChatGPT will provide a suggestion for the commit message.

ChatGPT Commit Message Hook

What is it?

This is a hook for git that generates commit messages. It uses OpenAI's ChatGPT to generate commit messages.

How do I install it?


  1. Install the OpenAI API package (pip install openai).
  2. Create a file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openaiapirc with your API keys. For example:
secret_key = MY_SECRET_KEY
  1. Install the hook:
sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tom-doerr/chatgpt_commit_message_hook/main/prepare-commit-msg -O $destination
sudo chmod +x $destination

This will set up the hook for all new repositories. To add the hook to an existing repository, run git init.

How does it work?

The hook gets the current commit message, runs ChatGPT to generate a new commit message, and then replaces the current commit message with the generated message.