
Provides a simple way of mapping your Linkedin Connections and Hovering to see industries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Due to LinkedIn's TOS Changes, this app is no longer functional.

#Map My Linked
Map my linkedin allows for an easy way to map your LinkedIn Connections. It makes it simple to look for people you can meet up with in cities that you may be visiting or are in.

#Why This App?
One of my greatest issues with LinkedIn is that it can be a bit difficult to know your true connections and dive back through who you know and where. More often than not, I don't know who or where exactly I want to look to catch up with someone, I just know that there's someone I'm not remembering or connecting with.

Now this in and of itself is not that difficult, as of 8/15/2014 I've nearly built the whole thing and 6 dedicated hours would likely finish it. But I wanted to try and use it as a tool to teach others.

# Motivation for Contributions

Learning how to program is hard and takes a lot of motivation. But when you're just doing small projects yourself it doesn't get much harder. I created this application so that other people can contribute at all different levels. See contributing below and you'll see how you can join me.

I chose these apps because they're fairly important to the whole ecosystem. Python is a great starter language and javascript is everywhere now. Looking at already build to do list apps have helped me understand the structure of Frameworks like backbone but I wanted to build something that wasn't just copying the layout and feel of another application.

I'm preparing to contribute to some real applications but I thought it would be good to run a small project first. The challenge of contributing to a real OSS project means a lot of people could end up depending on your code and you could end up wasting some people's time if your skills aren't where they need to be.

** This project aims to be a place where no question is stupid, and anyone and everyone can contribute something at any skill level. **

# Contributing

### You'll need at least one of the following skills

* Basics of Python
* Basics of Javascript
* Basics of HTML + CSS

### What you have potential to learn about

* Structuring Front End web apps with
	* [Yeoman](http://yeoman.io)
	* [Backbone](http://backbonejs.org)
	* [Bower](http://bower.io)
	* [JQuery](http://jquery.com)
	* [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com)
	* [Grunt](http://gruntjs.com)
* Simple Back Ends
	* [Python](https://www.python.org/)
	* [Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/)
* APIs
	* Google Maps
	* Linkedin
* Git + Github

###How To Get Started / To Do List

* First you'll need to clone / fork the repository - you'll see those buttons on the right side
* You're going to need python and node installed, you can look those up on the relevant sites
* Once you've got it on your computer, you'll need to install the front-end dependencies for this app: `npm install` should take care of those for you.

//Need to finish this 

###### HTML/CSS
* Restyle the Person View
	* Take a look at the templates in 

###### Javascript/ Front End
* Clean up the "Person" Template
* Clean up the "Connection Template"
* Add new metrics to the "Connections" + Display those in the connection template

###### Python Backend
* Right now there's no cleaning of locations and sometimes they'll return two people that are really close to one another as seperate locations. This can be improved by looking at what kinds of locations are returned by the application