
VS Code plugin for connecting with the Ruby LSP

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Ruby LSP (VS Code extension)

The Ruby LSP is an extension that provides performant rich features for Ruby. It connects to the ruby-lsp language server gem to analyze Ruby code and enhance the user experience.

Want to discuss Ruby developer experience? Consider joining the public Ruby DX Slack workspace.


Search for Shopify.ruby-lsp in the extensions tab and click install.

By default, the Ruby LSP will generate a .ruby-lsp folder with a custom bundle that includes the server gem. Additionally, it will attempt to use available version managers to select the correct Ruby version for any given project. Refer to configuration for more options.


Enable or disable features

The Ruby LSP has all its features enabled by default, but disabling specific features is supported. To do so, open the language status center right next to the language mode Ruby and select Manage right next to enabled features.

Ruby LSP status center

Ruby version managers

To boot the server properly, the Ruby LSP uses a version manager to activate the right environment variables that point Bundler to the Ruby and gem paths. This is especially necessary when switching between projects that use different Ruby versions - since those paths change and need to be reactivated.

By default, the Ruby LSP will attempt to automatically determine which version manager it should use, checking which ones are available (auto option). If that fails, then the version manager must be manually configured. You can do so by clicking Change version manager in the language status center or by changing your VS Code user settings.

// Available options are
// "auto" (select version manager automatically)
// "none" (do not use a version manager)
// "custom" (use rubyLsp.customRubyCommand for finding/activating Ruby)
// "asdf"
// "chruby"
// "rbenv"
// "rvm"
// "shadowenv"
"rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager": "chruby"

To make sure that the Ruby LSP can find the version manager scripts, make sure that they are loaded in the shell's configuration script (e.g.: ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc) and that the SHELL environment variable is set and pointing to the default shell.

Custom activation

If you're using a different version manager than the ones listed above or if you're manually inserting the Ruby executable into the PATH, you will probably need to define custom activation so that the extension can find the correct Ruby.

For these cases, set rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager to "custom" and then set rubyLsp.customRubyCommand to a shell command that will activate the right Ruby version or simply add the Ruby bin folder to the PATH. Some examples:

  // Don't forget to set the manager to custom when using this option
  "rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager": "custom",

  // Using a different version manager than the ones included by default
  "rubyLsp.customRubyCommand": "my_custom_version_manager activate",

  // Adding a custom Ruby bin folder to the PATH
  "rubyLsp.customRubyCommand": "PATH=/path/to/ruby/bin:$PATH"

Configuring a formatter

The tool to be used for formatting files can be configured with the following setting.

// Available options
//    auto: automatically detect the formatter based on the app's bundle (default)
//    none: do not use a formatter (disables format on save and related diagnostics)
//    all other options are the name of the formatter (e.g.: rubocop or syntax_tree)
"rubyLsp.formatter": "auto"

Using a custom Gemfile

If you are working on a project using an older version of Ruby not supported by Ruby LSP, then you will need you specify a separate Gemfile for development tools. You can include the ruby-lsp in it and point to that Gemfile by using the following configuration:

Note: when using this, gems will not be installed automatically and neither will ruby-lsp upgrades.

"rubyLsp.bundleGemfile": "relative/path/to/Gemfile"

Configuring VS Code debugger

To configure the VS Code debugger, you can use the "Debug: Add configuration..." command to create a launch.json file in the .vscode folder of your project.

This command would generate the following configuration:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "ruby_lsp",
      "name": "Debug",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "ruby ${file}"
      "type": "ruby_lsp",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Debug test file",
      "program": "ruby -Itest ${relativeFile}"
      "type": "ruby_lsp",
      "request": "attach",
      "name": "Attach to existing server"


Ruby LSP demo

The Ruby LSP features include

  • Semantic highlighting
  • Symbol search and code outline
  • RuboCop errors and warnings (diagnostics)
  • Format on save (with RuboCop or Syntax Tree)
  • Format on type
  • Require path completion
  • Debugging support
  • Running and debugging tests through VS Code's UI

See more features in the ruby-lsp server documentation


Available commands are listed below and can always be found by searching for the Ruby LSP prefix in the command palette (Default hotkey: CMD + SHIFT + P).

Command Description
Ruby LSP: Start Start the Ruby LSP server
Ruby LSP: Restart Restart the Ruby LSP server
Ruby LSP: Stop Stop the Ruby LSP server
Ruby LSP: Update language server gem Updates the ruby-lsp server gem to the latest version


This extension provides convenience snippets for common Ruby constructs, such as blocks, classes, methods or even unit test boilerplates. Find the full list here.


To verify if the Ruby LSP has been activated properly, you can

  • Check if any of the features are working, such as format on save or file outline
  • Open VS Code's Output panel, select the Ruby LSP channel and verify if Ruby LSP is ready was printed

If the Ruby LSP is failing to start, follow these steps

  1. Double-check that the right Ruby version manager is configured
  2. Double-check that all of the requirements for the version manager are present. For example, chruby requires a .ruby-version file to exist in the project's top level
  3. If using v0.2.0 of this extension or above, double-check that the ruby-lsp gem is not present in the project's main Gemfile
  4. Reload the VS Code window by opening the command palette and selecting Developer: Reload window

If these steps don't fix the initialization issue, attempt to manually install gems using the Ruby LSP's custom Gemfile by running.

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/path/to/your/project/.ruby-lsp/Gemfile bundle install

If after these steps the Ruby LSP is still not initializing properly, please report the issue here.

Migrating from bundle

Note: The following applies if migrating from a version earlier than v0.2.0.

If you previously included the ruby-lsp gem in the bundle (as part of the project's Gemfile or gemspec) then follow these steps to migrate to newer versions of the Ruby LSP - for which the gem no longer needs to be added to the bundle.

  1. Warn developers working on the project that they'll need to update to the latest Ruby LSP extension (older versions require the ruby-lsp gem in the bundle and therefore won't work if it is removed)
  2. Remove the ruby-lsp from the bundle (remove the entry from the project's Gemfile)
  3. Run bundle to make sure Gemfile.lock is updated
  4. Restart the Ruby LSP extension or restart VS Code to allow Ruby LSP to use the new setup


On its own, the Ruby LSP does not collect any telemetry by default, but it does support hooking up to a private metrics service if desired.

In order to receive metrics requests, a private plugin must export the ruby-lsp.getPrivateTelemetryApi command, which should return an object that implements the TelemetryApi interface defined here.

Fields included by default are defined in TelemetryEvent here. The exported API object can add any other data of interest and publish it to a private service.

For example,

// Create the API class in a private plugin
class MyApi implements TemeletryApi {
  sendEvent(event: TelemetryEvent): Promise<void> {
    // Add timestamp to collected metrics
    const payload = {
      timestamp: Date.now(),

    // Send metrics to a private service
    myFavouriteHttpClient.post("private-metrics-url", payload);

// Register the command to return an object of the API
  () => new MyApi(),


When rubyLsp.formatter is set to auto, Ruby LSP tries to determine which formatter to use.

If the bundle has a direct dependency on a supported formatter, such as rubocop or syntax_tree, that will be used. Otherwise, formatting will be disabled and you will need add one to the bundle.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Shopify/vscode-ruby-lsp. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


Interactive debugging works for both running the extension or tests. In the debug panel, select whether to run the extension in development mode or run tests, set up some breakpoints and start with F5.

Tracing LSP requests and responses

LSP server tracing can be controlled through the ruby lsp.trace.server config key in the .vscode/settings.json config file.

Possible values are:

  • off: no tracing
  • messages: display requests and responses notifications
  • verbose: display each request and response as JSON

Debugging the server using VS Code

The launch.json contains a 'Minitest - current file' configuration for the debugger.

  1. Add a breakpoint using the VS Code UI.
  2. Open the relevant test file.
  3. Open the Run and Debug panel on the sidebar.
  4. Ensure Minitest - current file is selected in the top dropdown.
  5. Press F5 OR click the green triangle next to the top dropdown. VS Code will then run the test file with debugger activated.
  6. When the breakpoint is triggered, the process will pause and VS Code will connect to the debugger and activate the debugger UI.
  7. Open the Debug Console view to use the debugger's REPL.


This extension is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.