
This is a collection of old REXX execs I wrote for VM in th 1980s

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This is a collection of old REXX execs I wrote for VM in the 1980s

I used to be a system operator and system programmer for IBM in the 1980s and 1990s. At the time REXX was just being developed and it was superior to the other scripting languages on VM, I thought. I wrote dozens if not hundreds of REXX execs (i.e., scripts) Here is a sample of them

The following files are useful for

  • profile.exec: this was my standard VM profile that run every time I logged on
  • acleanup.exec: this exec got rid of any files that have been left on minidisks
  • dasdrpt.exec: this exec processed DASDRPT files created by CYLSREP exec, another exec.
  • es.exec: this exec allowed me to access the ESE environment, an expert system / AI tool from IBM.