Repositorio com EFI para Laptop Lenovo S145-15IIL core i5 1035G1
- Intel i5 1035G1
- Model: Lenovo S-145
- Sub-MOdel: 15IIL - 82HB
- Trackpad: Synaptics
- 1x 32Gb DDR4 + 4Gb DDR4 onBoard (total 36Gb)
- Wi-fi/BT Intel AC-9462NGW
- macOS versions: [ Monterey, Ventura(testing) ]
- Audio
- HDMI (with USB3-Adapter)
- Graphics Intel UHD QECI
- Wi-fi/BT (Intel with injected kexts)
- All USB ports
- Temperature monitoring for everything
- DRM content (Netflix, ATV+, Airplay 2 mirroring etc)
- Shutdown/Reboot/Update to newer macOS builds over time
- WebCam
- Facetime
- CardRead (not tested)