
Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ for R, no dependencies

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Print charts directly on your R terminal. This is a port for the R programming language.

Installing the package

As this package is on CRAN one can run install.packages("asciichartr").

Using the package

Execute asciiPlot with a numeric vector as input and print the result, for example:

ts <- c(1,1,2,3,6,3,10,5,1,7,9,9,10,6,9,7,10,8)
#   10.00 ┤     ╭╮    ╭╮  ╭╮ 
#    9.00 ┤     ││  ╭─╯│╭╮││ 
#    8.00 ┤     ││  │  ││││╰ 
#    7.00 ┤     ││ ╭╯  ││╰╯  
#    6.00 ┤   ╭╮││ │   ╰╯    
#    5.00 ┤   │││╰╮│         
#    4.00 ┤   │││ ││         
#    3.00 ┤  ╭╯╰╯ ││         
#    2.00 ┤ ╭╯    ││         
#    1.00 ┼─╯     ╰╯         

Also check the documentation for configuration options: ?asciiPlot.


Inspired by asciichart.